if i let my vehicle get reposesed will it hurt my credit?
You cant.
file a police report.
Go for Insurance claim
Unless they are dead you cant sell the car.
It gets reported stolen.
what happens to your liscense plates after reposesion in N.Y.
Usualy you can find that information in the owners manual. If you cant find it in there you can just take your car into a parts store and ask them. (It may be embarising but its the only way you can find out.) or Google it.
what can you do when you cant make a car payment what can you do when you cant make a car payment
you cant its not written anywhere on the car
You can report it stolen but they wont do anything once they find out a co owner has the car. They cant steal a car they own.
you can in pokey oaks south look for a building with present stuff. I cant find it tell me if you can