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Q: The theory that the best government is one that is separated into National and state governments is known as what?
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What is State Theory?

The idea that the state governments, not the national government, are supreme and therefore have the right to nullify any act of the national government.

Which model of federalism maintains the theory that the national government and the state governments are coequal sovereigns?

Dual federalism.

Which theory about the origins of government holds that governments was created as an extension of family ties?

It is not Evolution Theory it's contract theory

The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans disagreed on what?

The Federalist Party believed in a strong national (federal) government with powers over the state governments. The Democratic-Republicans believed that states should have more power than the national government. This is known as the States' Rights theory.

The theory that defines the state and national governments as essentially separate from each other and carrying out independent functions is?

The theory that defines the state and national governments as essentially separate from each other and carrying out independent functions is dual federalism

The national government enough power to do their will refers to the Theory of government?

The national government of the United States is located in this city in the District of Columbia.

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What are the three branches every government must possess?

In the modern theory of government, all governments must have legislative, executive, and judicialbranches.

The political theory that people form governments for their mutual protection and that government rules only with the consent of those people is known as?

social contract theory

How is the force theory similar to the social contract theory?

The force theory and social contract theory both describe the origins of government authority. The force theory posits that governments derive their authority from the use of physical power or force, while the social contract theory suggests that governments gain legitimacy through an implicit agreement among individuals to form a society and abide by its rules. Both theories explore the foundational principles of government authority and the social order.

Four theories of the origins of government?

Evolution Theory, Force Theory, Divine Right Theory, Social Contract Theory

The theory that states that governments developed from family ties is the?

The theory that states governments developed from family ties is called the "patrimonial theory." This theory suggests that early rulers maintained power through family lineage, passing down leadership roles and maintaining control within a particular family group.