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Q: The senate acts as the court in the case of?
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The senate acts as the court in the case of impeachments?

Close but its actually the opposite. It is the House that can impeach, or bring charges of wrongdoing against a government official and it is the Senate that is given the power to determine actual guilt or innocence by acting as the court. Meaning it's False. =]

The Senate brings impeachment charges and the House acts as the court. true or false?


Who sits as the jury in impeachment cases?

The United States Senate sits as the jury on impeachment cases. Impeachment proceedings are started by the House of Representatives. After hearing the charges, the Senate usually deliberates in private. Conviction requires a two-thirds majority.

What case is where the court established the power to review acts of Congress and declare laws unconstitutional if they violate the constitution?

Marbury vs Madison. (1803) This was the first time congress passed a law and the US supreme court declared it unsconstitutional though this power was not granted by the constituition the court established its right to overturn acts of congress. This case involved the secretary of state James madison who refused to seat four judicial appointees even though the senate had already confirmed them.

What is one way the president can check the power of supreme court?

Courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional. This means that the Supreme Court can say that a law that the Senate has passed is unconstitutional.

What is one way the president can check the power on the supreme court?

Courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional. This means that the Supreme Court can say that a law that the Senate has passed is unconstitutional.

What is one way the president can check power of the supreme court?

Courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional. This means that the Supreme Court can say that a law that the Senate has passed is unconstitutional.

What is the one way the President can check the power of the Supreme Court?

Courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional. This means that the Supreme Court can say that a law that the Senate has passed is unconstitutional.

What is one way the president can check the powers of the supreme court?

Courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional. This means that the Supreme Court can say that a law that the Senate has passed is unconstitutional.

Which is the higher court in Australia the senate or the high court?

In Australia, the difference between these to institutions is that the High Court of Australia. Deals with Constitutional, Discrimination, Homicide Cases, and other cases which are seemingly have a superior need to be heard in front of a court. The senate deals with democratic issues such as passing or rejecting legislation. For example, the 'Carbon Tax' issue or the 'Plain Packaging' on Cigarette Packets. In summary, the High Court is to hear issues that comply with the constitution and the Senate deals with democratic issues. Which in this case the High Court and the Senate are very similar, however, it is evident that The High Court is superior over every other court in the 'Australian Court Hierarchy' (Local Court, District Court, Supreme Court, Federal Court and The High Court). And The Senate is superior over all democratic government (House of Representatives, Federal Government, The Senate). Therefore, the Senate is not a 'Court'. Therefore to answer the question, The High Court is superior.

What are the three methods the supreme court uses when deciding a case?

The Supreme Court of the United States of America can choose to not hear a case. The Supreme Court can also send the case back to a lower court. Or, the US Supreme Court Judges can choose to proceed to hear the case and issue a ruling.

Who acts of president of senate?

The Vice-President of the United States acts as President of the US Senate, to break a tie if the Senate is split 50-50.