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The principle of habeas corpus holds that all people are entitled to be seen by a judge as soon as possible. The state must prove that there is sufficient reason to detain the accused.

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a person must given reasons for being arrested.

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Q: The right of habeas corpus establishes the principle that?
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How does the US Constitution protects the Unalienable right to liberty?

by including the principle of habeas corpus (Study Island)

Write of habeas corpus?

The writ of habeas corpus is an important right given to American citizens

The right of habeas corpus originate in England?

Yes, habeas corpus dates back to the Magna Carta. The right of habeas corpus petitions as a final type of "appeal" was adopted by America as part of English common law.

How and why did the right of habeas corpus originate in England?

a court case

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writ of habeas corpus

What is us prisoners right to be charged?

writ of habeas corpus

What is a prisoner's right to be charged called?

writ of habeas corpus

Who has the right to suspend habeas corpus?

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

What is habeas corpus defined as?

The Habeas Corpus is said to be a right to all citizens. This is where an indvidual can be released due to unlawful detention. It is a very popular topic in the judicial system.

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Legal right that protects against unlawful imprisonment?

Habeas corpus

What legal right protects against unlawful imprisonment?

Habeas corpus