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Q: The part of the Congress that has equal representation from all the states is the?
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Related questions

Why did the southern states want to count slaves as part of their populations?

Southern states wanted to count slaves as part of their populations for the purpose of representation in the United States Congress. By counting slaves as part of the population, southern states could increase their representation in Congress, despite slaves not having the right to vote.

What was the compromise that dealt with the northern states' concern of southern states using slaves as part of the counted population thus influencing their representation in congress?

One-Half Compromise was the compromise that dealt with the Northern States concern of the Southern States using slaves as part of the counted population thus influencing their representation in Congress.

What part of the great compromise benefits states with a smaller population?

The Great Compromise settled the method of representation in the legislative branch (the US Congress). Small states wanted equal representation (equality by state), and large states wanted representation based on population (equality by vote). Under the compromise, all states were represented equally in the Senate. This made the smaller states happy. In the House of Representatives, representation was based on population. This pleased the bigger states.

How did the backers of the Virgina Plan want to base representation in Congress?

They wanted to count the slaves are part of the population so they could have more representation in Congress.

How did the backers and f the Virginia plan want to base representation in congress?

They wanted to count the slaves are part of the population so they could have more representation in Congress.

Which part of congress is based on equal rights?

the congress

In which part of congress do the larger states have more power?

In the House of Representatives. Each state has 2 senators in the Senate but a state's representation in the House depends on the size of the population.

What was the most important part of New Jersey plan?

The New Jersey Plan was created during the drafting of the US Constitution. The most important part of this plan was that it provided for the protection and equal representation for smaller states within the union.

What was the main purpose of three fifths compromise?

The Three-Fifths Compromise outlined the process for states to count slaves as part of the population in order to determine representation and taxation for the federal government.

How many states took part in the first Constitutional Convention?

Twelve. All states were present except for Rhode Island because they thought they would not be adequately represented. This was before the Great Compromise which led to the bicameral legislation of representation by population (house of representatives) and equal representation (senate).

In the great compromise what part of the enslaved people in a state were included when determining representation in congress.?


What concerned larger states about their representation in congress?

Big states did not want to have only the same number of representatives as smaller states, as they had more people and a perceived need for a larger voice. Smaller states didn't want to be overpowered in the legislature by bigger, more populated states, because the small states were just as equal a part of America as were the bigger states. The Constitutional Convention elected to create both houses in the legislature - the House of Representatives, where representation is determined by population, and the Senate, where each state gets two representatives, regardless of population or size.