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Q: The legislative system gets its authority from Article 1 of the Constitution?
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The legislative system is given powers granted by what constitution?

Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution outlines the powers granted to each house of Congress. Powers are further presented in various Constitutional amendments.

What Constitution describe the branches of the government?

In the articles

Does judicial the branch for sets up federal courts?

Congress (Legislative Branch) is vested with the authority to establish "inferior courts" and to organize the federal court system under Articles I and III of the Constitution.

Who established the federal court system?

Congress created the federal court system in the Judiciary Act of 1789, under the authority of Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution.

What branch of government has control over the size and number of the courts?

The Legislative Branch, or Congress, has the authority to determine the number, size, jurisdiction and other details relevant to the structure and operation of the federal court system, with the exception of a few issues outlined in Article III of the Constitution.

Similar to the U.S. Constitution the Ohio Constitution created what kind of legislative system?

a bicameral system

Who established. federal court system?

Congress created the federal court system in the Judiciary Act of 1789, under the authority of Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution.

What Article of the Constitution gave Congress the authority to create a federal court system?

Article III relates to the Judicial branch of government, and mandates creation of the Supreme Court. It also authorizes Congress to create federal judicial system below the Supreme Court, but not set forth rules for accomplishing this goal.---Article I addresses the role of the Legislative branch in government, and, again, empowers Congress to create Article I and III courts and tribunals, as the need arises.Article II of the Constitution addresses the authority of the President and the Executive branch of government. One power assigned the President is the ability to nominate US Supreme Court justices and Article III federal judges, with the "advice and consent" of the Senate.Each of the first three Articles discusses the courts to one degree or another, but none "set up rules for the federal court system." The Constitution creates a framework for government and describes the enumerated and separate powers of the various branches, and how they interrelate, but does not provide much specific instruction for day-to-day operation.

What article deals with the federal court system?

the judicial article article three in the constitution

The committee system in congress is required by which article of the constitution?

the committe is not required by the constitution = )

What is the final authority under the federal system?

the constitution

Under your federal system the ultimate or final authority belongs to the?

U.s. constitution