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stare decisis

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Q: The legal principle which says that court decisions stand as precedents for future cases involving the same issues is known as?
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The principle of recognizing previous decisions as precedents to guide future deliberation is called?

stare decisis

What Decision made by judge in the various courts and used as a guide for future decisions are called what?

The decisions are called precedents. Precedents are used as a guide by future court cases with similar fact patterns.

Decisions made by judges in the various courts and used as a guide for future decisions are called what?

They are called precedents. If the decision was made by a court with jurisdiction over a lower court, they are called binding precedents because the lower court is required to apply the same reasoning in similar cases under the doctrine of stare decisis.

What are prior court decisions?

They are called "precedents of law" and affect how similar present or future cases are decided.

What law is based on operating through the use of individual cases as precedents for future decisions?

Case law is based on the precedents and and legal principles applied by other courts in previous cases.

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What is the doctrine of precedent that states the decisions of other courts which are not binding on a judge?

There is no doctrine of non-binding precedents. Non-binding opinions that may be used as guidelines for deciding future cases are called persuasive precedents. Binding precedents are upheld under the doctrine of stare decisis (Latin: Let the decision stand).

What is common law and equit?

Common law is a system of law where previous decisions are passed down to the next case where applicable. Precedents of prior court decisions are used to govern future court cases. Equit is to be found not guilty.

What is a legal model on which judges base later decisions?

A precedent is an earlier decision used as a guide or model in future decision-making. Courts often use precedents set in earlier cases to render a judgment, under the doctrine of stare decisis (Latin: Let the decision stand), a common law principle.

What is the legal principle that ensures that previous judicial decisions are authoritatively considered and incorporated into future cases?

Stare decisis

Why are precidents important?

Precedents are important because they provide consistency and predictability in legal decision-making. They help ensure fair treatment by allowing similar cases to be treated similarly. Precedents also help establish and maintain the rule of law by providing guidance for future cases and promoting stability in the legal system.

What is an action or decision that later serves as an example for others to follow?

A precedent is an earlier action or decision used as a guide or model in future decision-making. Courts often use precedents set in earlier cases to render a judgment, under the doctrine of stare decisis (Latin: Let the decision stand), a common law principle.