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Q: The Twenty-fifth Amendment says a president unable to discharge the powers of hisher office must declare this in writing to two people.?
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Who said the twenty fifth amendment that says a president unable to discharge powers of his her office must declare this in writing to two people?

declare in writing the regulation

The twenty-fifth amendment says a president unable to discharge te pwoers of hisher office must declare this in writing to two people who are they?

The senate and the speaker of the house of representatives must have his written declaration in order for him discharge people.

The Twenty-fifth Amendment says a president unable to discharge the powers of hisher office must declare this in writing to two people. Who are they?

Section 3 of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the US Constitution states: "Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President." In other words, President Pro-Tempore of the Senate; Speaker of the House of Represntatives.

Did president Rossevelt declare war on his own?

No, President Roosevelt did not declare war on his own. The president can not declare war on his own. He did however, ask congress to declare war after the bombing at Pearl Harbor.

25th amendment sequence of events to install vice president?

The events are as follows: 1. The VP and a majority of cabinet officers write a declaration of the President's inability and send it to the president Pro Tempore of the Senate and the speaker of the House. 2. The Vice president becomes acting President 3. The President writes a declaration declaring his capability and resumes office. 4. The VP and a majority of Cabinet Officers again declare the President's inability . 5. Both houses by 2/3 majority declare that the president is incapable of performing hs duties 6. The VP continues as acting president. There are time limits given for each step and default actions if the time limits are not met. My understanding is that steps 3, 4 and 5 can be repeated.

Where did the Platt Amendment declare US intentions to intervene?


Where did the Platt amendment declare U.S. intentions to intervene in?


Can president declare war?

No, the president cannot declare war without congress. The patriot act does not change this.

Which branch is for can declare presidential acts unconstitutional?

The Judicial Branch can declare an act of the President unconstitutional.

Which president was forced to declare war?

president Lincoln

What did the platt amendment declare us intensions to intervene in?

The Platt Amendment declared U.S. intentions to intervene in Cuba.

Who let's the president declare war?

The President can not declare war. Only Congress can declare war, usually at the request of the President. Subject to limitations by Congress, the president can take military action. For example, the can order the bombing of foreign targets or send troops into a foreign country.