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The Congress is made up of two bodies.

1. The Senate. There are 2 people elected from each state to the Senate. They serve a total of 6 years. There are 100 Senators.

2. House of Representatives. The population of each state determines the number of House members each state has. This is determined by the census that is taken every 10 years. So, each state has a varied number of members in the House, but the House doesn't exceed the total number of 435 seats. They are elected for 2 year terms.

Together these two bodies make Congress.

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the Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together form the United States Congress.

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The legislative branch of the American government is known as Congress. This branch is responsible for the passing of laws.

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The legislative branch of the American government is known as Congress. This branch is responsible for the passing of laws.

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