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Q: Tell Why is a committee a dangerous place for a bill?
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Where is the most common place for a bill to die?

In committee

What is the extremely powerful congressional committee that determines when debate on a bill will take place?

the house rules committee

What steps does a House or Senate standing committee take when it is given a bill to consider?

A standing committee may act on a bill in various ways. The committee may: 1. Report the bill with favorable recommendation. 2. Report the bill with amendments with favorable recommendation. 3. Report a substitute bill in place of the original bill.

The most common place for a bill to die is?

The most common place for a bill to die is in committee, where members can choose to not move the bill forward for further consideration or vote. Bills can also die on the floor of either chamber if they fail to pass a vote.

What was on-its-toes committee that considers a bill?

a committee considers the bill's

When does a bill produced to the committee members go to the rules committee?

after the bill has been approved by a committee

Once a bill is assigned to committee which of these steps may not occur while in committee?

the committee passes the bill to a conference committee

What does a committee or subcommittee do during markup?

A committee or subcommittee reviews the bill and suggests amendments if needed. The subcommittee or committee will then accept or reject the bill. If the subcommittee accepts the bill, it is then forwarded as is to the committee. When the committee accepts the bill, it will issue in an official report or official bill print.

What is the next step in the legislative process after a bill has been introduced to Congress?

a congressional debate takes place and members vote on the measure

In the House of Representatives what is the next step in the legislative process immediately after the floor debate takes place?

Now, here comes the answer of the question, after the bill is presented and sponsored, it is referred to the appropriate committee action in order for them to debate on it and marks up the proposed bill.

A process by which a committee revises a bill?

Markup is a process in which a subcommittee or a committee revises a bill that has been introduced. The committee also considers the bill in this process.

Which chamber of Congress is in charge of initiating tax bills or impeaching the President?

A member of Congress introduces the bill 2. A subcommittee and committee craft the bill 3. Floor action on the bill takes place in the first chamber (House or Senate) 4. Committee and floor action takes place in the second chamber 5. The conference committee works out any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill 6.