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they would be called snitches, rats, or undercover officers

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they are called grandstanders.

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Q: Someone who reports illegal or unethical behavior?
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What are the ethical issues with backdating reports?

There were no ethical issues with backdating reports in pricing. This is option on pricing. Backdating reports on testing or equipment can be unethical or illegal if it suggests that known faults or problems either a) were unknown b) were not yet known, or c) were communicated earlier than the actual time frame when this occurred.

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It depends on the purpose. If you are typing for someone because they cannot do so then that is fine. If it is your profession then that is fine. If you are doing it to defraud or cheat then that is illegal.

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There have been no reports or evidence to suggest that Alex Ovechkin has ever used an illegal stick in his NHL career.

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i think it is something to do with the police when someone reports you.

If you report someone on Facebook can they find out it was you?

No reports are completely confidential.

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The reason someone might have for consumer reports in GPS systems is that it can serve as guidence if interested in buying such products. The consumer reports will tell of experiences with the product and give some answers about quality and functionality.