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Q: Should you let yoru child visit his narcissist father once in a while?
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How can i get child support from my ex and not make my child have to visit him?

You can't. The child has the right to be supported by her father and they both have the right to a relationship with each other. The father should pay child support and also have a regular visitation schedule.

How can a unknown biological father get to visit his child?

First, he should introduce himself, but yes. see link

Can you ask for child support from a father in a court of law and demand that the child must visit the father regularly at his own place unmarried father?

A father of a child should pay for the child. The father of the child should also get to see and influence the child. A court is one place for these matters to be settled but, if possible, the matter of access is best done by mutual agreement. Access to the child must never be used as a weapon with which to hurt either parent.

If the father can not see or visit the child does the father still have to pay child support if the father give up your parential rights?

No he does not because he is not the child's parent anymore.

Can the mother of a child take the child while he is visiting with the father at his home?

Not if there is a visitation order in place and the visit is scheduled. If there is no visitation order in place the father should establish one through the local family court.

Do you still receive child support if he is visiting his father?

Depends on how long the visit is. But if the father is the non-custodial parent in this case, then he will have to pay child support on this child. Different states vary in their laws. But typically a "visit" will not affect child support.

How old does a child have to be to choose if they want to visit father or not?


Can a mother get into trouble if the father is paying child support and not seeing the child?

Not if the father hasn't requested a visitation schedule. The mother should allow the father to visit with the child. However, if there is no visitation order in place she won't "get into trouble" if he's is not having visitations with the child. Child support and visitations are two separate issues as far as the court is concerned.Fathers are entitled to visitations. If the mother refuses the father should return to court and request a visitation schedule. The mother will be legally obligated to obey that order.Not if the father hasn't requested a visitation schedule. The mother should allow the father to visit with the child. However, if there is no visitation order in place she won't "get into trouble" if he's is not having visitations with the child. Child support and visitations are two separate issues as far as the court is concerned.Fathers are entitled to visitations. If the mother refuses the father should return to court and request a visitation schedule. The mother will be legally obligated to obey that order.Not if the father hasn't requested a visitation schedule. The mother should allow the father to visit with the child. However, if there is no visitation order in place she won't "get into trouble" if he's is not having visitations with the child. Child support and visitations are two separate issues as far as the court is concerned.Fathers are entitled to visitations. If the mother refuses the father should return to court and request a visitation schedule. The mother will be legally obligated to obey that order.Not if the father hasn't requested a visitation schedule. The mother should allow the father to visit with the child. However, if there is no visitation order in place she won't "get into trouble" if he's is not having visitations with the child. Child support and visitations are two separate issues as far as the court is concerned.Fathers are entitled to visitations. If the mother refuses the father should return to court and request a visitation schedule. The mother will be legally obligated to obey that order.

How old does the child have to be to visit his father if the father lives in Texas and the child lives in Colorado?

The child may visit at any age if a court order for visitation is in place. If no such order exists or visitation has been terminated for any reason, the child can visit their parent when they reach the age of majority in their state, 18 in Colorado.

Does a child have to visit a parent if their is proof of verbal physical and emotion abuse and documentation that abuse has been going on if they are not 16 years old in the state of Georgia?

You should definitely report it. Then through the courts/judge, the child should not have to see the abusive parent at all.

Does a disabled child have to see their father if he is abusing them?

Not if the child's caretaker has taken the appropriate action to protect the child from abuse and obtained a court order that prevents the child from being required to see the father. The caretaker should visit the family court immediately and ask to speak with an advocate or a representative from Child Protective Services.

What if the mother doesnt want the child to be raised by father but still pay child support?

The father has the right to visit with his child unless the court issues an order to the opposite.