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Answer 1

if this murderer is someone you know or love, or even your spouse, you should always give him/her a second chance. because you never know if this person killed somebody on accident or at the time was doing drugs or maybe drunk or was just stressed or fed up with the person. but if this person screws up the second time, you should probably not trust this person around you or your children if you have any. this person might have fedderral charges against something he/she was accused of. and you are taking advice from someone who can hardly find out who she really is. so, there you have it.

Answer 2

The first half of Answer 1 is why we have so many murderers today. They need to be dealt with according to law, in a timely manner, without regard for your personal feelings which could place others in danger.

Answer 3

The question as written is not terribly clear. There are generally four types of forgiveness: (1) clemency, (2) acceptance without clemency, (3) reconciliation, (4) merciful judgment.

Clemency: Answer 2 is correct when it holds that clemency, or providing legal cover and forgiveness to murderers, is an immoral act. Granting clemency to another person is not a right that anyone, even the victim's next of kin, should have. The act of murder is a violation of the laws of the state and the security of its citizenry and no one person should have the right to abrogate that.

Acceptance without Clemency: Acceptance without clemency is very difficult, especially for the victim's next of kin. It should not be given freely, but only to those murderers who can be seen to truly be weighing their guilt and coming to realize and internalize the pain that they have caused in others. If the murderer is not doing this, then the acceptance is truly meaningless.

Reconciliation: Reconciliation is only possible in a case where your relationship with the murderer existed prior to the murder and is only worth giving to a murderer who is willing to deal with the hurt that he specifically caused you.

Merciful Judgment: While no court should simply let a murderer go on account of mercy, a judge should care about the murderer's personal shortcomings, issues, and problems when considering his sentence. Complete forgiveness, though, on this account should not occur.

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14y ago

you should always forgive. love your neighbors, and they will love you back!

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12y ago

It depends on how grave whatever they did was. If you really consider that person your friend then you should have a talk with him/her and forgive them! Every one deserves second chances.

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