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Yes, because they don't pay their taxes as much and their needs to be a limited amount because then immigrants may control America

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Q: Should there be stricter laws for illegal immigrants?
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The government has passed laws to make it harder or easier for illegal immigrants to stay in the US?

The government has passed laws that make it much harder for illegal immigrants to stay in the US. It is harder for immigrants to work.

What trend inspired the immigration policies in the 1980s in the 1990s?

The increasing flow of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico and Central America inspired the immigration policies in the 1980s and 1990s. This led to the implementation of stricter border enforcement measures and laws to control illegal immigration.

Does the US need new laws regarding immigrants who come into the country?

yes because we still get illegal immigrants who get in

Do illegal immigrants get deported if they do not brake us laws?

An illegal immigrant to the US is, by definition, a person who has entered the country in a manner which violates US immigration law. That is the distinction between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. So yes, they get deported.

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Generally speaking, Ashkenazi laws of kashrut are stricter.

Are illegal immigrants breaking civil laws or criminal laws by being in the country illegally?

Illegal immigrants are breaking civil laws by being in the country without proper documentation. While immigration violations are considered civil offenses, they can lead to deportation proceedings.

Should there be stricter laws on owning a gun?

No. Stricter laws for owing a gun does nothing to stop crime or to keep criminals from buying guns since by definition, criminals don't buy guns legally. Maybe the debate should be extended to crazed psychopaths with guns? Obviously the laws need changing.

How should laws for hacking be changed?

Laws should become much stricter. However the most important change to be made is stronger enforcement of these laws and harsher consequences. Hacking is a major issue.

Should gun control have stricter laws?

It's arguable that the current gun control laws in the US are stretching the constitution to the breaking point. Anything much stricter and it would be impossible to maintain the fiction that they're compatible with the 2nd amendment.

Mexico upset with Arizona laws?

Yes, due to some of these laws racially profiling people, as well as criminalizing (i.e: incarcerating) illegal immigrants.

If illegal immigrants don't like our laws why are they here?

Because they think they have a better chance of making a living here.

Can illegal immigrants benefit from labor law attorneys?

Yes they could. The laws are meant to protect all workers.