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You can give it back if you want, most people keep them. Legally speaking, they are gifts and that's not contingent on the marraige being permanent. The owner can do what they want with them.

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Q: Should the engagement ring be returned when a woman is divorced in Arizona?
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Should you get back your engagement ring if the engagement is called off in the state of Illinois?

Typically, an engagement ring is considered a gift. However, if the recipient of the ring breaks off the engagement the ring is usually returned. If the giver of the ring breaks off the engagement the ring is usually not returned and considered a form of apology.

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All gifts should be returned if the wedding is called off regardless of who called it off.

Should you get back your engagement ring if the engagement is called off in the state of Florida?

Why would the state matter? You gave the ring to her as a gift. No, you shouldn't expect it back. Actually, you should abosolutely expect it back. The ring is not a gift, but given "in consideration" as part of the contract for marriage. If the marriage was never entered into (regardless of which party broke the engagement) the contract is void and the ring should be returned.

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You should. You violated the law and were issued a ticket. You may find your license to drive in Arizona completely revoked, which could be a problem if you returned there. And the points will be sent to New York.

Is it okay to wear a band with your engagement ring?

When you have your engagement ring you should just wear the engagement ring. The band is placed on your finger at the altar the day you get married.

Can you give an engagement ring while still married?

If you are married she should already have an engagement ring. You give her the engagement ring when you propose, before the wedding is even planned.

Should you first be divorced to propose for marriage?

you don't have to be. but to get legally married you have to divorced.

Is an engagement ring considered a gift in New York and should it be returned if the man ends the relationship?

When a man gives an engagement ring to the woman he is suppose to love in any part of the Western world it is hers to keep and do with as she pleases. If the man should take the ring back and get engaged to someone else that woman wouldn't want the ring knowing it was meant for someone else. However, if the ring is a family heirloom then the young woman should be kind enough to give the ring back.

In Minnesota do you keep the engagement ring if the engagement is broken?

In any Western country the woman can keep the engagement ring. She can take the diamonds out of it and make another ring or sell it. If the engagement was a family heirloom then it should be given back to the ex.

Should you wear an engagement ring if your no longer in the relationship?

You should give that back.

Get grandmothers wedding ring back from ex?

* Generally when an engagement ring or wedding ring is given then it is the woman's to keep, but if she was any kind of a woman knowing this was your grandmother's ring she should give it back. If need be offer to buy her a new ring in place of your grandmother's ring and of course it wouldn't be an engagement ring.