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No, children are not community property, and should not be treated as such. It's hard enough on the children for the parents to divorce, so for them to be split from their siblings would make it even harder for them.

If the parents can't agree on which one would be the best one to have custody of the kids, the courts will. But the children should all stay together, unless they honestly want to be split up. And then it should only be considered if there is good reason to do so, and only after counseling with a child psychologist.

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Q: Should the children be split up between parents during a divorce?
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Sometimes even the best of relationships fall apart. While the pressure is felt by all family members, children should not feel guilty about divorce. Divorce results from problems between parents. Children should not be required to take sides between parents.

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Yes, children need all the positive support they can get regarding a divorce between parents. Children only know one thing ... mom and dad and have no idea what the problems are between the parents. Children often believe it was their fault the parents are splitting up and feel if they had behaved better or hadn't done so many things wrong their parents would not be divorcing or already divorce. It is extremely important the divorced parents act like the mature adults they should be for the sake of the children and by putting each other down it tears the children between their parents often causing depression; eating disorders; gastrointestinal problems and a drop in their grades at school. Mom and dad should at least shake hands and be friends when dealing with the children. If they are angry then they should discuss it between themselves and away from the children.

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Children, not even teens, should not divorce their parents in any way, unless their parents are abusing them in an unappropriate way. Hopefully your parent does not... Children and teens should not divorce their parents because only their parents have a full wage, and know how to control business matters. Think before you do! =D Hope this helps.................................

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if your husband put his family ahead of you and your children then you should divorce him because that means that he really dont care about you or your children

What happens when we divorce with children?

Both parties should hire competent attorneys who can assist the parties in making a good separation agreement and making the divorce proceeding as amicable as possible. Each party must realize that a divorce means everyone will have to make sacrifices. The children should be the main priority of both parents. They should be reassured that they were not the cause of the split, that they will spend time with both parents and that both parents love them. Neither parent should criticize the other in front of the children. They should remain united on matters of discipline. Divorce does not need to be adversarial and many are not when the parties are intelligent enough to know that getting along will make life better for everyone.The parents should make a custodial agreement that is fair to everyone and the court will generally award child support according to the state laws.A bit more:What happens when a couple with children divorces depends on the parents, how they behave towards each other, and how they talk and behave around the children. The better the parents can get along with each other, the better it is for them but, more importantly, the better it is for the children. For more information see the related link below.

Do you need a legal agreement to cover parental input to a house deposit?

Absolutely, and depending on the circumstances. If parents help provide part of the down payment and they do not consider it a gift there should be a signed promissory note. Also, there should be a signed agreement between the owners that the parents' help will be reflected in a division of the property in case of a divorce if that is a concern.Absolutely, and depending on the circumstances. If parents help provide part of the down payment and they do not consider it a gift there should be a signed promissory note. Also, there should be a signed agreement between the owners that the parents' help will be reflected in a division of the property in case of a divorce if that is a concern.Absolutely, and depending on the circumstances. If parents help provide part of the down payment and they do not consider it a gift there should be a signed promissory note. Also, there should be a signed agreement between the owners that the parents' help will be reflected in a division of the property in case of a divorce if that is a concern.Absolutely, and depending on the circumstances. If parents help provide part of the down payment and they do not consider it a gift there should be a signed promissory note. Also, there should be a signed agreement between the owners that the parents' help will be reflected in a division of the property in case of a divorce if that is a concern.

How do you separate a son legally?

Many places allow you to legally "divorce" your parents or children. If your son is legally an adult than you should be able to do this, if not, don't bother.

Should children be allowed to divorce their parents?

I just wanted to add that a marriage is a legal contract entered into by two parties. A divorce is a cancelling of that contract. With children, there is no legal contract between them and their parents. Children are under the control and responsibility of their parents until they become adults and until such times, they are not even allowed to enter into legally binding contracts. So since you are not in a contract, there is no way to break it. The only way is to prove to the courts that you are abused. If this is the case, tell someone - a teacher would be a good place to start. If parents are not suitable to bring their children up there are other ways for the children to be taken away and taken into court custody and eventually put into foster care. What you are thinking about is "emancipation" and in some cases yes, a child can emancipate from their parents, but it's up to a court of law. No. There are other remedies.

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Divorce and children are very difficult subjects. For the most part, it is the children who are hurt the worst in a divorce. Care should be taken so that hurt can be minimized.

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Parental rights should take into consideration talking with the children if they are old enough to understand. Parents need to compromise and come to a mutual decision that is in the best interest of the children.

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No kids should not be allowed to divorce parents