The money is intended to help the custodial parent defray the costs of raising the child and providing a home so it is given to the parent.
Child support can be used to help with rent, mortgage, college expenses, insurance, utilities, food, phone, internet, computers, medical care, clothing, education expenses, recreation expenses, after school program expenses, school supplies, haircuts, shoes, holiday gifts for the child, babysitters, spending money for the child, vacations, etc.
You could pay by money order. However, you need to be sure of who the check should be written to--check with the court which ordered the child support.And, yes, you should write "child support" on the memo line of the check or money order.
It is possible for a court to order wages (or other income of whatever source) to be garnished, so that child support payments will be made. Money is never given to the child in question, it is given to the child's guardian.
the caregiver of the child. the word support means to take care of, so child support, means to take care of the child. which means that child support payments should be given to whomever is taking care of the child in order to support that child. Pay your child support through either the courts or the State disbursement unit. DO NOT give any money or anything else to the obligee unless you want it to be considered a gift.
No. The money isn't for the mother. The money is for supporting the child. Back child support belongs to the estate of the deceased and will eventually benefit the child. And even if the child should die, the back child support does not go away.
If the child support is not getting to the custodial parent, the court will seize the money and make sure it is delivered. But note that the child support is not given to the child. It is used to pay for the food, clothing, shelter, and essential needs of the child.
Yes, its child support. If the money is not used to support the child then its being misused. Alimony would be to support you. If the father is looking after the child, then he should not be paying child support to the mother - she doesn't have the cost of looking after the child at that time. In fact, the mother may well be in a position to send chilod support to the father - it goes both ways and she is responsible for the child just as much as the father is.
Yes, because that money is really not yours. It is given to you for the needs of the child.
No, but send child support money.
The money is still owed to the estate. This is money that should have been available for the support of the child, and the estate is less because that money wasn't received. In all likelihood, the child is going to get the money at that point.
"Hard money" is money that is given to political parties in support of candidates.
You will have to go at least once to court to pay your yearly to pay the child's support money.
No. Back child support is money you should have been paying when you didn't. You owe it until it is all paid up.