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This is a complicated question.

The main arguments against gun control are:

1) that it is an inalienable right given by the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

2) that guns are carried (just in case) to protect the carrier from potential attackers.

3) that if guns are made illegal, only criminals will have access to guns and can rob people more easily.

I think that is a flawed and illogical perspective. Here's why:

1) Simply put, just because a law gives you a right, it does not make it moral nor pragmatic.

2) The more guns you add to the equation, the more likely it is that someone will be seriously injured or killed.

3) If only criminals had guns, it would be much easier to identify them. There would be no confusion about who got killed by whose gun. This would help crime by deterrance.

In my opinion, only the police and military should have guns. Those who like to hunt consider this unfair. Perhaps making only certain guns illegal would allow for hunting.

Opposing Viewpoint:

An armed individual is a free citizen.

An individual disarmed by his government is a subject.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Any gun other than the pistol or handgun should be illegal. The pistol or handgun are mainly used in self-defense, and are not automatic. Though, not everyone can be trusted with the responsibility of using a gun only in self-defense, so all guns should be illegal, at the same time it should be legal. I think until everyone calms down and theft and other crimes stop occurring or slow down, guns should be illegal to be possessed. Though, if guns were illegal, the people who already have them need their money back for when they payed for the gun, and since the economy is so bad and money is scarce, it's really a win-lose situation with the government.

It depends on who you talk to. Free people want them legal, and tyrants want them illegal. Well, I think it should depend on how u use it; If your hunting in the woods, that's fine, but if your killing someone, then definitely illegal.


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

There are those who would argue that it is a well regulated militia that would give the federal government the right to regulate and even ban weapons. This argument, however, is predicated on the notion that the right to keep and bear arms is a right of collectives and not of individuals. The Bill of Rights does not enumerate collective rights but rather individual rights. There are some who would counter that if that is true then why are they acknowledged as rights belonging to the people? The obvious answer to that is that it is the people who came together in order to form a more perfect union.

No one individual created the federal government it was the people who collectively did so, but they did so to ensure that their individual rights were not disparaged. It is inarguable that the Framers of the Constitution believed in the individual right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In order to live, be free and be happy one must have the right to freely express themselves, to freely worship who they choose to worship, the right to freely publish their ideas and the right to freely and peaceably assemble and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

In order to protect such rights, indeed in order to survive, every individual must be able to protect themselves, their family and their property by any means necessary. If force is required then the right to keep and bear arms is necessary. The Declaration of Independence makes clear that governments are created to secure rights and not to disparage them or to trample over them. It is further made clear that this government derives it power from the people and is beholden to that dictate. The Declaration then goes further and states that at times it may become necessary to alter or abolish the government they created. It is acknowledged by that Declaration that governments of long standing should not be altered or abolished with out just cause. But, as that document goes on to say, that experience has proven that humanity is more inclined to go along to get along and tolerate the intolerable. However, when a long series of abuses, usurpations and transgressions reduce those people so inclined to tolerate more than should be tolerated and governments endeavor to rule by absolute despotism, then it is the is the responsibility and duty of those people to throw off the chains of tyranny and create a government that understands its place and purpose.

Given that the people have a tendency to be so tolerant, and given that it is prudent to let long standing governments lie, when it does become necessary to alter or abolish a government it is unlikely that will happen by virtue of constitutional convention. If a government has become so tyrannical the people are obligated to overthrow it then the right to keep and bear arms is tantamount, indeed paramount, to accomplishing that end. The people have the right to keep and bear arms so that they may protect themselves from tyrannical governments whether that be from foreign invasion or from domestic usurpation. To that end, it would be illegal for any just government to ban the use of weapons.

NO guns should be legal even for police. As at the age of 4 I had a gun to my head..(if it were a crossbow to your head would you then be for making all crossbows illegal?)

No you're wrong guns should be legal because criminals don't care about the law; they will own a gun whether they are legal or illegal. Making guns illegal will give assurance to criminals that the law abiding citizens that they are robbing have no guns and have no fear of getting shot themselves.

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12y ago

Laws on firearms ownership, possession, and use vary throughout different jurisdictions. Without knowing where you had in mind with this question, it's impossible to say. Several countries do permit citizens to own firearms, with conditions and restrictions varying between different countries. In the US, the laws even vary between states, although firearms ownership is legal in all of them.

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Desperate Measures

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2y ago

guns are not illegal but is usage describe that for what purpose are you used for it. if your usage is for your security it usage is useful otherwise it usage is dangerous.

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