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The term gang itself -- in current use -- implies malice and disregard for others, although originally it simply meant 'at least three people with a common identity'. (Under that definition, Boy Scouts are a gang.)

If 'gangs' were legalized, they would be regulated, advised and watched over based on a law. A criminal gang is not interested in the law in any way, so gang members would do whatever necessary to defeat any attempt to 'legalize gangs'.

There are people who work with gang members to help individuals leave the gangs and become law-abiding citizens.

People -- at least three -- can band together to accomplish a single objective, and if there is respect for others and the law, the people could call themselves a gang: The Oil Cleanup Gang, for example.

Freedom of association: one may spend time with whoever, whenever they like. To make gangs illegal would mean restricting this ability, and making gangs illegal would itself be an illegal act.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Well...if you're in a bad gang that kills and does drugs and other bad stuff that is illegal then yes, but if you're not in a bad gang and you're in a good gang that likes to help the earth and does good things and does not do drugs and does not kill people and stuff then that is not illegal. no one should be in a bad gang because it is bad to do drugs and kill people and stuff that is illegal so you should never be in a bad gang be in a good gang.


Being in a gang is, generally, not illegal. Gang activities are illegal. Gangs are busted because there are no good gangs. If you like the idea of a good gang, join the Sierra Club or the Arbor Day Foundation or the Wounded Warrior Foundation. Even organizations that sound good, like Earth First, are bad. They are too political, even with their environmental efforts, and they have injured people.

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14y ago

Under the First Amendment, you have the right to form or join any group. A gang is a goup of individuals. The actions of some individuals within the gang may be illegal, but the gang itself is not.

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12y ago

i think gangs should be illega because the are group of bad people like rob the baanks and stealing and being aggresive

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