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Provided there are no outstanding liens that will not be satisfied by the sale, then there is no reason for preventing such sale.

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Q: Should farmers be allowed to sell their land?
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Why did farmers sell their lands to aristocrat and become tenant farmers in china?

They do that because they would divide their land among their sons and after several generations the average farmer would have about an acre of land. So with a little bit of money they had no choice but to sell their land to aristocrats and become tenant farmers.

How did Massachusetts's tax policy affected farmers?

the farmers had to sell their land since they coulnt pay for the taxes they owned.

Why did ancient Chinese farmers sell their land and become tenant farmers?

Because it cost them too much money to work on the land. But they still needed jobs, so they became tenant farmers.

When the powerful Romans raised taxes and conquered lands as free labors land farmers did what?

Farmers decided to sell their land and move to the cities were they became beggars.

Should farmers be able to sell their land to developers if they want to do so?

Yes, many farmers don't make any money at all. They struggle to keep their farm operating and making money to support their family. When a farmer has no other option of making money, they need to sell a portion of their land to make a profit.

Why did farmer sell their lands to aristocrats and become tenant farmers?

They do that because they would divide their land among their sons and after several generations the average farmer would have about an acre of land. So with a little bit of money they had no choice but to sell their land to aristocrats and become tenant farmers.

What is a farmers main thing to do?

Plant and cultivate crops is the farmers main thing to do, and sell them to the local markets. Take care of the land and animals.

Why did farmers sell their lands to aristocrats and become tenant farmers?

They do that because they would divide their land among their sons and after several generations the average farmer would have about an acre of land. So with a little bit of money they had no choice but to sell their land to aristocrats and become tenant farmers.

Why are Kingaroy Agricultural Farmers and Cattle Graziers SO GREEDY About Agriculture and Cattle Grazing?

Exactly They should all just Go Away They are SO ANNOYING AND GREEDY AND SELFISH About Agriculture and Cattle Grazing THEY SHOULD BE FORCED TO SELL ALL THEIR LAND AND MOVE TO Central Queensland, Leeton and Kumbia. So That Developers are allowed to buy the Lands.

Why did farmers want inflation?

Inflation would help pay off loans Inflation would help pay off loans

Why do some farmers near urban area sell their land for residential or commercial development?

Lots of money.