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Q: Should criminals be punished or re educated?
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Related questions

Why does society punish criminals?

There are two theories. One is retribution, which essentially holds that punishment of criminals does justice and thus performs a service to society. The other is deterrence, which holds that the knowledge of the consequences of criminal activity functions to deter would-be criminals from engaging in criminal activity.

How do you use the word released in a sentence?

Most criminals when released from prison go on to re-offend

What happend to the people living in Vietnam after the war?

Those that failed to escape were "re-educated".

What is the rehabilitation center in the giver?

The Director of Recreation is in charge of making sure that everyone has fun and that nobody gets hurt.

Can you give me a sentence using the word released?

Most criminals, when released form prison, go on to re-offend.

What happened to the crucifix on which Jesus died?

It was re-used and re-used on other criminals until it is no longer usable, and in most probability used for cooking foods and/or heating homes.

Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re-educated and re-habilitated using community service programs for instance before being introduced back into society?

The approach to criminal justice should aim for a balance between punishment and rehabilitation. Lengthy jail terms are not always the most effective way to reduce recidivism. Re-education and rehabilitation programs, such as community service, can help offenders address the root causes of their behavior and reduce the likelihood of them re-offending when reintegrated into society.

How often should the line in a restaurant be re iced?

At least every hour.

Is re an abbreviation for the word respond in an email?

YES but you should put Re:

Should re-medial have a hypen?


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What should an operator do when attempting to re-board a personal watercraft (PWC)

Do you put a hyphen between re-enter?

Yes, re-enter should always be hyphenated.