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Contrary to popular belief, the police in England ARE armed. Most departments have armed-response officers on duty at all times. Most supervisors carry firearms in their vehicles, as well.

While it is true that not ALL officers carry firearms on duty, there is considerable disagreement as to whether this should be changed.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, this all depends though on the area (considering crime rate) and the officer carrying the gun. These people should be fully licensed and not able to use their weapons outside of work, of course. Guns should be used in defense, mostly, and if everybody is misusing guns, it would be chaotic!!! Hope that helps x

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Q: Should UK police carry guns
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Would cops be able to carry weapons if guns were banned?

If you take the example of the UK (where guns are banned), the normal police on duty on the streets are not armed with guns. There are UK police trained to use and carry guns but they only do so when responding to a situation where a criminal is seen to be armed. Based on this tried example, is is clear that if guns were banned effectively, the police would not need to carry weapons.

Did 1940 British police have guns?

The only police to use firearms in the UK, are specialised groups such as the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, or special teams within territorial police forces. When the metropolitan police force was established, officers did not carry guns.

Do policemen carry nun- chucks?

Not in the UK they don't ! The 'regular' police are limited to carrying a truncheon or baton, and a CS spray. Specialist (firearms) officers can carry hand-guns, automatic rifles and stun-guns.

Do members of the bomb squad carry guns?

In the US Members of police bomb squads are police officers, the same as any patrol officer. As such, their job may entail the use and carrying of firearms. The bomb squad in the UK are members of the British Army, they are trained to use weapons in a combat situation but do not carry weapons on the streets of the UK.

Do police carry guns?

Yes, all cops are required to. The guns vary depending on department. But most use .40 S&W. or .357 SIG. They carry a shotgun in the boot/trunk. Ones that work in high crime areas, also carry an AR-15 (.223) or police version of the M-16.

Do Policeman in Great Britain carry guns?

Most regular police officers in the UK do not carry guns. They carry ASP Extendable batons and pepper spray. Most areas, however, have a small number of armed police on call. These units are called the Armed Response Unit (mobile patrol police) or the Specialist Firearms Unit (proactive armed police). When there is a serious manhunt in progress which involves a firearm, various equipment such as; taser guns, Attenuating Electric Batons, bulletproof shields and body armour, MP5Ks and G36s, sniper rifles, Glock 17 pistols and armoured cars may be used depending on the situation. The Rothbury Manhunt is a clear example of this. You have the armed police section but there is also the Serious Organised Crime Agency which is the equivalent to America's Federal Bureau of Investigation. I think in the near future though, nearly probably all police in the UK, excluding Northern Ireland because they're already have armed police, will carry taser guns. And then there is Military Intelligence-5.

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what can happen to me if i carry a knife or gun in the UK

Can anyone carry a gun in the US even the police cant carry a gun in the UK?

A lot of people can own a gun in the U.S. Felons and lunatics can not. There are restrictions on carrying a gun. There are restrictions on concealed weapons. A difference exists between owning and carrying a gun. The police in the US carry guns. In the US we have a different history from the UK. We fought two wars against the UK. In our Revolutionary War, King George III made it illegal for the Colonists to own guns while he sold them to the Indians. The frontiersmen did not like the Indian massacres. They owned guns and were prepared when the British in Canada and West Florida started selling guns to the Indians in 1810. Vancouver, a British trader, sold guns to the Indians along the Pacific Coast. American settlers needed their own guns. The Indian Wars ended in 1892, Americans never gave up their guns. They needed them when Poncho Villa attacked from Mexico. America has not enjoyed the same internal peace as England. The last foreign attack England had came from Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Is CS gas legal in the UK?

It is not legal for 'civilians' to posess CS gas in the UK, as it is classed as a firearm, but it is legal for trained police officers on duty to carry it. But it shouldn't be! It is not legal for 'civilians' to posess CS gas in the UK, as it is classed as a firearm, but it is legal for trained police officers on duty to carry it. But it shouldn't be!

Why cant UK police have firearms?

Police in the UK do carry firearms. Many carry H&K automatics. Some police units in the Metropolitan and Thames Valley carry H&K machine pistols. The myth of the Bobby with naught but a baton ended in the late 1960's with the advent of urban violent crime and the re-emergence of the Irish Republican Army.Tom Bomb's Answer: Only specialised firearms teams are allowed to carry firearms in the UK. Response units across the country, deal with emergencies where backup is needed or is too dangerous for regular constables to deal with. If you see a Police vehicle in the UK marked with a 'star' on the side or on the top, it is a firearms response vehicle.

Why should guns be legal in the UK?

yes it should be legal because if you get threatened by person with a gun then you can shot them