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That is a question for the individual security officer and his employer. However, most law enforcement officers will appreciate the show of observance and respect from the security community for wearing a black mourning band.

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Q: Should Security Personnel wear Black Mourning Bands when a Law Enforcement Officer dies?
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There is no difference. In some instances security companies themselves use a distinction of Armed to Unarmed personnel. Guard or security officer refers to Unarmed and Security Enforcement Officer refers to Armed. Each state has different licensing and laws about security personnel.

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They are called Security Forces personnel, but are commonly referred to as Security Police or SPs.

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Define what you mean by "division officer." If you are referring to a law enforcement officer, their personnel records are sealed from idle public scrutiny unless your attorney is successful in having them subopoeana'd to court.

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The Miranda Warning is only issued by a commissioned Law Enforcement Officer. If by "Security Officer", you mean a private security guard, then no, they are never required to issue a Miranda Warning.

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Here are some jobs you can do Body Guards Airport Security Private Security Corrections Officer Law Enforcement Cyber Crime Bailiff Police Officer Computer Forensics

Do you have to train as a policeman before going into a forensic course?

No, it is not necessarily a prereq1uisite IF that agency hires civilian personnel to do that job.HOWEVER - if the agency you work for only uses law enforcement trained personnel to do that job you will have to become an officer first.

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no, a peace officer in California is a person who has completed POST and is employed by a law enforcement agency, i.e. sheriff or city police. A security guards job is to observe and report, and sometimes protect.

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The female officer cannot check the male same as male officer can't check the female.Another View: Non-sworn-law enforcement security officers are not subject to the same prohibitons that sworn, government-employed law enforcement officers are. Therefore they can perform whatever searches they, or their employer, requires of them.

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What is Another word for police officers?

Police officer, law enforcement officer, cop, security force, masters at arms (for the Navy), bobby (Britain) Constable , gumshoe; there's an unlimited number of terms for 'police officer'.

What do companies look for when training a security guard?

Some qualifications companies look for when hiring a security officer include experience or previous law enforcement experience. There are companies experienced in training potential people interested in a career as a security officer. Below is a link of one of these sites.