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There is no right of search and seizure. In the US, it is prevented by the 4th amendment.

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Q: Right of search and seizure regulated?
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What does the right to search and seizure regulated means?

This means that there are limits on when and how the police can search your home, for instance, and take evidence.

In addition to freedom of speech what rights does the Bill of Rights guarantee?

Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Petition, Right to keep and bear arms, Right of search and seizure regulated, Right to a speedy trial, and Right to trial by jury

What right guaranteed by the fourth amendment?

Right against illegal search and seizure

What the difference between the apprehension of suspect and search and seizure?

a search and seizure are the same thing but a searh is look and a seizure is physicaly look.

What are some of the freedoms that the bill of right gives to people?

Freedome OF: speech, religion, right to bare arms, search and seizure

Do the police have the right to do Search and Seizure?

Under the Constitution, which is the law of the land in the USA, Search and Seizure is legal when the police have received a search warrant normally signed by a local judge. There are some situations, depending on the jurisdiction (where the search takes place) in which the police don't require a search warrant signed by a judge.

What amendment protects from unresonable search and seizure?

4th... Its all about my right to privacy...

What are the policies regarding Search and seizure on college campuses?

The policies regarding search and seizure on college campuses are that police officers have to have a search warrent from a judge before they can search someone.

What is illegal search and seize?

Search and seizure are two different things. A search is an intrusion into a reasonable expectation of privacy. A seizure is the taking or interference with custody or movement of a person or property. You can have a search without a seizure, and a seizure without a search. Either is unlawful if the search or seizure is not supported by the probable cause to believe that a crime has occurred, is about to occur, or is occurring, and the search or seizure will result in evidence of that crime. Probable cause is a reasonable belief, based on facts available to the person doing the searching and seizing, that criminal activity is taking place. With some exceptions, an officer can't conduct a search just because he wants to, or on pure speculation. There has to be some reasonable basis for the search.

Can the police search you without reading you your rights first?

The Miranda Rights have nothing to do with a search or seizure. The Miranda Rights are only read prior to a custodial interrogation, which a search and/or seizure is not.

What is a search and seizure procedure?

A search and seizure procedure is where police search a potential suspects property and confiscate any evidence they feel is important. It is used in civil an common law.

Is it considered unreasonable search and seizure if the police come inside the owner's property but do not conduct any search nor do they seize anything?

No. How can it be unreasonable search and seizure if they didn't conduct a search or seize anything.