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It can carry a sentence of 4 1/2 to 5 years in prison. This is dependant on any other charges they have added to your charges. Also if this is your first offense.

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Q: Penalty for 1 gram of cocaine in Florida?
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How much does a gram of cocaine weigh on digital scale?

A gram of cocaine will weigh 1 gram on a digital scale.

What is a 20 of cocaine?

It is a measurement of cocaine. a 20 is .8g to 1 gram of cocaine.

How much should half a gram of cocaine weigh?

ONE gram of cocaine weighs exactly the same as ONEgramabout 1 gram.

What is gram of cocaine?

A, generally, illegal substance with the mass of one gram.

What does a gram of cocain weigh out too?

A gram of cocaine weighs approximately 1 gram.

How much is a hen in grams weigh of cocaine?

A hen typically weighs around 2-3 kg. In comparison, a gram of cocaine weighs 1 gram. So, a hen weighs significantly more than a gram of cocaine.

How much does 1 gram of crack weight?

One gram of crack cocaine typically weighs 1 gram, as indicated by its measurement unit.

How much does a 40 dollars of cocaine weigh?

1 Gram

How much crack can be made out of 1 gram of cocaine in nyc?

It is difficult to determine the exact amount of crack cocaine that can be produced from 1 gram of cocaine. This conversion process typically involves adding baking soda and water to the cocaine, and the yield can vary based on the purity of the cocaine and the specific production techniques used. However, generally speaking, 1 gram of cocaine can be converted into a smaller amount of crack cocaine due to the addition of other substances during the manufacturing process.

How much does one point weigh of cocaine?

One point of cocaine typically weighs around 0.1 gram.

How much is a gram of high grade cocaine?

The price of a gram of high grade cocaine can vary depending on location and availability, but generally ranges from $80 to $100 in the United States.