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INTENT - The determination or resolve to do a certain thing, or the state of mind with which something is done.

'Mens rea' is a Latin term meaning "guilty mind." It refers to the criminal intent that is necessary as an element to be proven in a crime. Many civil law claims also include some level of mens rea as a required element.

The four levels of mens rea/criminal intent set forth in the Model Penal Code are

(1) Purposely - Express purpose to commit a specific crime against a particular person. (2) Knowingly - Knowledge that one's actions would certainly result in a crime against someone, but did not specifically intend to commit that crime against the particular victim which one is accused of injuring. (3) Recklessly - Knew that one's actions had an unjustifiable risk of leading to a certain result, but did not care about that risk ("reckless disregard"), and acted anyway. (4) Negligently - Did not intend to cause the result that happened, but failed to exercise a reasonable duty of care to prevent that result (which includes failing to become aware of the risk of that result).

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Q: Outline and discuss the concept of criminal intent?
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Who wrote Criminal Intent?

William Bernhardt

What constitute a crime?

A criminal act accompanied by a criminal intent. You must have BOTH elements in order for it to constitute a crime.

When does Law and Order Criminal Intent start?

The USA Network has announced that the 10th and final season of Criminal Intent will begin in 2011, with 8 episodes.

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Law and Order Criminal Intent - 2005 VG was released on: USA: 2005

When will the last episode of Criminal Intent be televised?

Law and Order Criminal Intent ended with the final episode "The Boy in the Blue Knit Cap", aired on 6/26/11. The Criminal Intent series ran for ten years, from 2001-2011 with 196 episodes.

Is Criminal Intent making new shows?

No, Law and Order Criminal Intent ended with the final episode "The Boy in the Blue Knit Cap", aired on 6/26/11. The Criminal Intent series ran for ten years, from 2001-2011 with 196 episodes.