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The involved party has a specified amount of time, to 'answer' the judgment. This is extremely important, the person needs to file all their assets that are exempted according to the state laws or the assets will not be protected from creditor attachment/seizure. If the person owns a home they need to be very certain if the homestead exemption is not automatic that it is filed correctly. Obtaining the guidance of legal counsel would be a good choice. Especially if the person is not familiar with the legal procedure concerning execution of a creditor's writ of judgment. Mfacky (

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Q: Once papers have been served to you asking for a judgment on a credit card debt can a lawyer help?
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If your divorce went before court by lawyer and judge granted and signed divorce papers does the lawyer still have to file the papers?

No. The judgment would be entered by the court. You can visit the court and request a copy of the judgment of divorce.

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A spouse that does not sign divorce papers will get a default judgment entered against them and the divorce will still happen. You can however contest the default judgment if the court allows you to do so and thinks you have a good reason why you did not sign the papers.

How can you get a judgment off your credit report after filing bankruptcy?

If the debt that you were sued over, or the judgment itself was included in your bankruptcy, you only need send a copy of your bankruptcy papers to the credit reporting agencies. The judgment will not "come off", but it should get marked "included in bankruptcy" or "discharged through bankruptcy".

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Your fathers lawyer should contact you if there are papers that he has left.

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If you are served with lawsuit papers from a credit card company, contact an attorney immediately. If you wait, your time to answer the petition will expire and depending on the state you live in, that credit card company can obtain a default judgment to garnish your wages or your checking/savings accounts.

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If a judgment was included in, and discharged by, your bankruptcy; there is no need to obtain a separate disposition. Write the credit bureaus and send a copy of your bankruptcy papers which show this judgment included. That should suffice to have the judgment removed from your report and the original tradeline from the debt marked "included in BK". Talk with an attorney or go to a bank that has a notary service.

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If the judgment was included in the bankruptcy--many are not--then you take the relevant papers showing that it was paid to the court that issued the judgment. If they consider it paid, then they will issue a receipt to you. Send copies to the credit scoring companies and keep one in your permanent file.

Do you need a lawyer from the county you received your papers from?


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Get your lawyer to make the changes.

How do you change divorce papers after filed?

Go to your lawyer. If you can they will know what to do.

If you are at least making some type of payment on your credit card can they garnish your bank account?

it all depends on what state you live in. In some states they can't garnish your wages Garnishment requires a court order. You would have to be sued first, and either have judgment brought against you by losing the case, or by not responding to the lawsuit papers; called judgment by default. Then papers are mailed to you indicating that garnishment will occur. If you are served with papers, make sure you respond to the court within the time limit stated on the papers, or you risk judgment by default. Many times, if you are having financial troubles, you can indicate this to the court and they may decide the case in your favor.

How do you divorce someone in another country?

You can instruct a lawyer through an affidavit and email in that country to serve papers on your behalf You can instruct a lawyer through an affidavit and email in that country to serve papers on your behalf