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There is no wait period.

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Q: Once a tax lien is filed in the state of Nevada how long do you have to wait to file bankruptcy?
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If you filed chapter 13 and had it dismissed and paid of the debt is there any way to get it off of your credit report?

No. Filing a bankruptcy creates a public record that does not go away because you did not complete the bankruptcy. - once you file and get a case number you have filed for bankruptcy. if you didn't follow through and it got dismissed is regardless. you still filed for bankruptcy and it will still be on your credit report.

If your wages are being garnished after you filed for bankruptcy in Ohio can the collection agency keep what they've taken and how can you stop the garnishment?

Once the bankruptcy is filed the automatic stay will halt the garnishment action. However, monies taken before the bankrupcy was filed will not be returned to the debtor.

Will bankruptcy remove law suites?

Filing for bankruptcy can potentially halt or discharge existing lawsuits related to debts. Once bankruptcy is filed, an automatic stay goes into effect, which temporarily stops creditors from pursuing legal actions. However, the outcome depends on the specific circumstances of the lawsuit and the type of bankruptcy filed.

How do you check your bankruptcy date?

The first two digits of the docket number, before the hyphen, tells you the year. If you don't have the docket number, you can go to a bankruptcy court or bankruptcy lawyer's office and look it up on the computer.

If you file bankruptcy and Include a housemortgage and paid your payments up thru the point that your lawyer tells you to stop can they put foreclosed on the property or should it state included in ba?

Once bankruptcy is filed all proceedings against the filer are frozen and analyzed by the court appointed trustee.

How many points does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy decrease your score?

There is no definitive answer as to numbers. Actually it is irrelevant. Once any type of bankruptcy has been filed or discharged, your credit rating is down the drain.

How do you dissolve an S Corp in Nevada?

An S Corp is dissolved by filing a certificate of dissolution with the Nevada agency where the Corp is registered. Once the paperwork is filed, the S Corp is considered dissolved.

What do you do once you filed a claim for unemployment?

After you have filed your claim, the state's investigator will contact the employer to get their version of your application. After that, the state will notify you of the next step in their procedure.

How many days do you have to get out once a eviction is filed with the court?

That depends on which state.

What is the purpose of a bankruptcy register?

"A bankruptcy register is when all the documents are registered with the government. Once you have filled all paperwork, and it has been recorded and on file, then you have a bankruptcy register."

How many times has Donald Trump filed bankruptcy?

4every 7 yrs

According to bankruptcy laws, how long must one wait after filing bankruptcy before they can buy on credit again?

Bankruptcy laws do not prohibit a person from opening another credit account. However, it may be difficult to find a bank willing to extend credit to someone who has filed bankruptcy. In addition, consumers should be careful not to repeat past mistakes. Once bankruptcy has been filed, it is a good idea to operate on a cash basis to re-learn the essentials of personal finance.