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Creditors are either secured or unsecured. Secured creditors such as the mortgage on your house or you car loan go on Schedule D. Unsecured creditors (creditor without liens or collateral) are either priority or nonpriority. The only creditors who are classified as priority go on Schedule E and Schedule E contains a list of the categories. Every other creditor (general unsecured creditors) goes on schedule F. The most common example of unsecured nonpriority creditors are credit cards and medical bills. You basically need to give a general description of what you bought and when you bought it. You don't need exact dates.

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Q: On a bankruptcy filing form what does it mean when it asks schedule F creditors holding unsecured nonpriority claims and asks for the date claim was incurred and consideration for claim?
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Yes, in a general way of classification. The non priority claim would only apply in bankruptcy or probate matters, not in a civil suit brought by the lender for a debt owed.

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If you file. It will put a stay on your creditors and they will have to halt there collections. You need to contact a bankruptcy attorney to confirm.

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The percentage paid to unsecured creditors in a Ch 13 is determined by your disposable income. Secured creditors get paid at 100%, house and car payments remain the same. What's left over gets paid out to those unsecured creditors who file proofs of claim. If a creditor does not file a claim, then that creditor does not get paid.

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What happens to unsecured debts when a chapter 13 bankruptcy is dismissed?

The debts are still valid and creditors can continue with collection procedures including, in most cases, a lawsuit.

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Each Chapter 13 planis different. I have seen Chapter 13 plans pay nothing to unsecured creditors and I have seen plans that pay 100$ to the unsecured creditors. Most cases are much less than 50%. It just depends on how much income is left for plan payments and how much debt the debtor has.

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No, but generally they receive higher preference than unsecured creditors that issued credit prior to the bankruptcy, should the chapter 11 company go to chapter 7.

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If you signed a Security Agreement, then your creditor has a secured claim on the collateral specified in the agreement.

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