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The date that child support obligations are to terminate will be stipulated in the child support order. Generally it will read until the age of majority (18 except in Nebraska which is 19) or state a specified age and conditions. Child support is for the child/children and the parent who retains physical custody must use it for that purpose. An 18-year-old for all practical purposes is considered an adult and the child support payment legally belongs to him or her. The custodial parent can either return the money to the paying parent or give it to the named child. He or she cannot withhold the money from a child who has reached the age of majority, nor use it for their own purposes.

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18y ago
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16y ago

In most states/most cases, the 'other' parent will continue to pay child support on each child until they reach 18 years of age, at that point the child support should stop. In some states, payments will continue if the child goes on to college and will stop when the child leaves college or turns 21, whichever comes first.

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14y ago

Check your divorce/custody papers! Mine states that his dad must pay until he reaches the age of 19, graduates high school or becomes self-supporting (whichever comes first). Child support can be extended until the age of 23 if my son goes to college and does not have a steady job, but the support may go straight to my son and bypass me.

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16y ago

Depends on the court order regarding the child support. In some instances, no, in others, yes. You should consult an attorney for the specifics for your state.

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13y ago

It depends on the language of the court order and the laws of the State where that order was entered.

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12y ago

Yes what they can pay. Get a weekend job. If you had custody you would have to be able to pay for the diapers somehow and that is what she is struggling with when you don't pay.

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12y ago

Whenever the legal papers say it ends.

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Q: My son is 18 years old does his father continue to pay support after he graduates from high school and goes onto college?
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Is a divorced father obligated to pay for college in Indiana?

If you were order by the court to pay child support, that support will continue until the child either graduates college or stops attending. I do not believe the court can order you to pay for college. However, as a father you should be willing to help.

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If the divorce decree is from the State of Arizona, the answer is NO. He will not be required to continue to pay child support once your daughter turns 18 or until she graduates from high school, but not past the age of 19, UNLESS your divorce decree specifies that child support is to continue until she graduates from college. Arizona Termination of support at 18 or until child graduates from high school, but not past 19 No statute or case law holding parents to a duty to college support in the absence of an agreement; courts will enforce contracts to provide such support. Solomon v. Findley, 167 Ariz. 409, 808 P.2d 294 (1991).

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Marriage is an emancipating event. Generally speaking, child support terminates upon emancipation. So, if you want/need the child support to continue, he better wait until after graduation to marry.

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Pennsylvania does not currently have that law.

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Should my father continue to pay child support after I'm 18 and graduated but are going to college?

Id say yes he should because you could use that money while your in college

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Yes, the passing away of your father doesn't affect your child support so you will continue to receive it.

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Depends on the state.

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Yes, see link

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How do I petition the court to enforce a child support order which directs the father to continue to pay support for a child while she is attending college?

You can call your local Department of Human Services office and they will take it out of his paycheck every month unless he quits working.

Does a father still have to pay child support if the child is older then 18?

It depends on the state. Some states require that child support be paid until the child graduates high school, even if they're over 18. A few states require child support up to age 21 if they're enrolled in college and still living with the custodial parent.