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Whoever has the child the most in their home gets to claim the child on their taxes, unless you make another agreement. If he has it on paper that you said that he can claim tham, then he can. Otherwise, it is whoever the child spent the most overnights with.

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Q: My ex wants to claim my child on his taxes does he have the right?
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What if your son lives with you and his dad wants to claim him on income taxes but you want to also is this possible if we don't live together?

Only one person can claim a person. Once a person is claimed as a dependent, no one lese can claim him. Does your divorce agreement state who is allowed to claim your son for income tax purposes? If not, the custodial parent has a higher right to claim the child than the non-custodial parent. him paying child support does not grant him any rights to claim your son either.

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Yes, you are supposed to claim any money received to the IRS. Even if you get paid cash, the IRS wants their money.

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Yes. He can "claim" all he wants, but he has no evidence that the child is his without a paternity test.

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no see links below

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In the state of Georgia if father of the child wants all rights terminated is he still liable for child support?

Yes. see linksAns 2.The father has the option to waive his rights if he wants to, and if he can convince the judge that he is sane, sober and not under coercion as he does so.This has nothing at all to do with child support, which is not his right, but his responsibility. In general the mother can't waive child support either, because support is her child's right, not hers.THAT IS CORRECT.....unless the child's mother has re-married and her husband wants to adopt this child, that would release the biological father from paying child support.

If a woman gets pregnant and conceives a child that is not her husbands is her husband the legal father anyway?

The biological father is the legal father. The husband is not the father unless he decides he wants to claim that title and wants to raise this child. Slim to none on that one. More likely you are going to be a single parent, so go after the bio dad for child support. He owes his child that.

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Regardless of whether a parent pays support or not - the custody agreement determines who has rights. So if your child's father did not pay support but wants to see the child, and he has joint custody, he has every right, by law. This may not be morally right but it is legally right.

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He has the right to divorce and to an equitable share of the marital estate, and has equal right to petition the court for custody of the child.

What position does Obama have on taxes?

he wants to rise them