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Yes, illegal immigrants are ineligible for benefits. However, you can be a legal resident in one state, work in another state and be eligible for unemployment benefits from the state you WORK in.

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Q: Must you be a legal resident to collect unemployment insurance?
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There are no real legal requirements for one resident to get travel insurance. As long as the insurance plan covers basics such as medical, lost items, personal accident, and legal expenses, then the individual or family should be fine.

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Yes, If a non Legal resident marries a Legal resident,he or she are judged to be Legal resident of that country. They can have their Spouse VISA.So that can make them live happily and together forever.

Can you collect unemployment from New Jersey if you move to Arizona?

Unlikely that any such action would be legal or ethical and an attorney should be consulted.

What makes you as a legal resident of a state?

you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 you are considered a legal resident once you are 18 Age of majority maintaining residency in the state

What does it mean you have to be legal resident of the us?

It means, You have to be a LEGAL RESIDENT of the USA.

IF you are a New York State resident and your domestic partner takes a job up in Canada can you continue to collect unemployment while you look for work in Canada?

You can continue to receive disability benefits for as long as: (1) you are looking for work; and, (2) your legal residence is in New York state, providing you meet all the other eligibility criteria. You cannot receive unemployment benefits from New York State during weeks when you are living in Canada.

Is it legal to collect unemployment benefits while you are in jail in Ohio?

Unemployment is designed for those ready, willing, and able to work, a status which you clearly do not hold if you are incarcerated. The penalty for lying or misrepresenting yourself to receive unemployment benefits can be severe and is known as benefits fraud - it may include fines and jail time.

How do you use legal permanent resident in a sentence?

"My aunt became a legal permanent resident of the United States after receiving her green card."

Who can collect unemployment?

Legal citizens and resident aliens that have lost a job and have enough base hours and wages in the previous year, generally at least 5 months of qualifying wages. Your most recent quarterly earnings will probably not qualify. Call or go to your local employment security office and find out more since each state has different qualifications.

Is it legal to have supplemental injury insurance and collect workmans compensation?

It may depend on the state you are in. We are in Maryland and I know here it is fine. My husband was injured on the job last August and we carry additional accident insurance and were able to collect for out patient procedures. I suggest checking with an attorney for your state.

Can a non resident collect American deceased husband pension?

It depends on the specific rules of the pension plan. Some plans may allow non-resident spouses to collect a deceased spouse's pension, while others may have restrictions based on residency. It's best to check with the pension administrator or a legal advisor for accurate information specific to the situation.

Do you have to be a legal resident to get child support?
