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No. You are also allowed to drive at speeds below the speed limit.

Some highways will post a minimum speed in addition to the speed limit, with the requirement that you use four-way flashers if your speed drops below the posted minimum.

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Q: Must you always drive at the speed limit?
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What is the maximum speed limit in Australia for learner drivers?

Speed limit - You must not drive faster than 80 km/h and must observe the speed limit where it is below 80 km/h depending in which state, as learner drivers in Victoria are allowed to do 100km/h.

If a Speed Limit Sign says 55 then you must drive at exactly 55 mph. True or false?


When passing another vehicle the driver must be traveling at what speed?

the safe and legal passing of another vehicle requires that drive

What are the 4 types of speed laws?

The four types of speed laws are: Basic speed laws: Drivers must always drive at a safe speed based on road conditions. Minimum speed laws: These laws set a minimum speed that drivers must maintain on certain roads. Absolute speed limits: These laws specify the maximum speed limit that must not be exceeded. Variable speed limits: Speed limits that can change based on factors like traffic flow or weather conditions.

Is is acceptable to accelerate over legal speed limit to pass another vehicle?

Yes it is acceptable to momentarily accelerate over the speed limit tp get around a vehicle moving slower than the posted speed limit but you must return to the speed limit after passing.

Basic Speed Law?

"The Basic Speed Law states that no one speed is best under all conditions. The posted speed limit is simply the maximum recommended speed allowed by law under ideal conditions. The Basic Speed Law implies you must never drive faster than it is safe for conditions at that time. This means that even if you drive within the posted speed limit, under certain conditions, such as in rain, snow, heavy traffic, or bad road conditions, the posted speed may be unsafe and you may be in violation of the law."

Are you a fault when car hydroplane when it rains driving at 45miles per hour?

Possibly so. You must drive at the speed the conditions warrant. You can be sited for not doing so and if you have an accident and it is determined you exceeded the speed limit in the said conditions I would assume you will be faulted.

What can a driver do to reduce spinal cord injury to yourself family and other people on the road?

The driver must drive slowly without giving the car many jerks , and should always drive at a steady speed.

Does a posted speed limit of 55 mph mean that you may drive mph on that highway under all conditions?

A posted speed limit of 55 mph does NOT mean that you may drive 55 mph on that highway under all conditions. The top posted limit is for ideal conditions. But when driving, the conditions never completely stay at ideal. You must use common sense and judgment to lower your speed as necessary.

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Park drive

Is safe to look at the speed monitor while driving as long as you do it by taking a quick glance?

Certainly. One needs to know how fast or slow they are driving and obey the posted speed limits. Just because the sign says the speed limit is 55 does not mean that you must drive at that speed. There are times when conditions like rain or snow on the roadway will not safely permit travel at the posted limit. Remember, driving is a privilege not a right.

Does A limit line indicates the speed limit for that road?

No, Limit line marks the crosswalk and the beginning of an intersection. If the light is red, you must stop before the first white line.