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Most places in the world require you to be an adult to get married. While that is 18 in most of the world, it can be as high as 21. Most also allow a 16 year old to get married with parental permission.

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Q: Minors age for marriage
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At age 17 if you are emancipated through marriage in Wisconsin are you able to rent an apartment?

Yes, however, that does not mean landlords are required to rent to you. If their policy is not to rent to minors (even emancipated minors) there's nothing illegal about that.

What can your family do if you elope and were both underage?

Since the two people who eloped were minors, the parents can have the marriage annulled. Once it is found that they were minors, the marriage is not technically legal anyways.

Can teens be married secretly?

No, teens under the age of 18 are minors and cannot be married secretly because a marriage certificate has to be filed with Vital Statistics. If the teens lie about their age and the person marrying them does not bother to check for proper ID, then the marriage can be annulled by the parents.

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Is marriage legal for an adult and a pregnant 15 year old in Oklahoma?

Minors below the age of 16 are not allowed to get married in Oklahoma without a court order.

If minors get married can their parents separate them?

minors can't get married at all without parental consent. so any "marriage" wouldn't be real.

Is liquors good to minors?

Liquor is not good for anyone at any age, that includes minors. Minors, additionally, can develop...developmental problems.

If you are not of legal age to be married in the state you live in and go to another state to get married can your parents have the marriage annulled?

It would not be necessary to have the marriage annulled because the marriage would never be allowed to take place. Minors cannot cross state lines without parental consent with the intent to avoid thea age restrictions of their state of residency even if special circumstances exist. Doing so is a federal violation, (18 United States Code 2243 thru 18 United States Code 2423). Minors who use fraudulent documents to obtain a marriage license are guilty of committing a misdemeanor a marriage made under such circumstances would not be legal.

Marriage laws for minors with children?

marrage is the spiritual joining of 2 souls as one

What is a minor when it comes to cyberbullying and you need two or more minors?

Minors are those that are under the legal age of their State and most often it is under the age of 18.

Can minors go to Hollywood undead concerts?

Minors can go to concerts. Under age 14, they need to have an adult with them.

Where would social security benefits go first kids from previous marriage or current marriage?

if you die all minors that are yours get death benefits