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Q: Michigan laws of a 17 year old choosing what parent he wants to live with?
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Related questions

What states do not participate in Michigan driver laws?

Michigan is the only state that participates in Michigan driver laws. The other states have their own laws.

What are the monkey laws in Michigan?

Monkey laws in Michigan are null.

What is child abandonment laws in michigan?

See:Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 712A.19b(1), (3), (6) (West, WESTLAW through 2002 Reg. Sess.)It has too much information to add here. Generally after a set amount of years the parent loses their rights per Michigan Laws.

Can a Michigan notary public notarize for in laws?

Yes. Notaries are only prohibited from notarizing for a spouse, parent, or child. The governor's office does not recommend that notaries notarize for any family members, but notarizing for in-laws is not prohibited by law.

Did Michigan have Jim Crow Laws?

No, because Michigan was not a slave state

What are the Tort Claim Acts for the state of Michigan?

What are the tort laws of michigan

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Who makes laws in Michigan?

Lawmakers and the legislature makes laws in Michigan. They are often voted on by local boards in counties and towns as well.

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If my stepson is 18 and wants my name on his birth certificate would we go through the adoption process or just change names?

If he only wants to take your name, he can do a name change. If you both want to have a legal parent-child relationship, you will need to do an adoption. Check with the laws in your state to determine what is involved -- the laws differ from state to state.

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Are there diminished value laws in the state of Michigan?

Michigan is the only state that does not allow diminished value