Government of India Act of 1858
This act was passed following the British crown's taking over the governance of India from the English East India Company. It was dominated by absolute imperial control with no representation for the people of India. Over the next few decades the nationalist would campaign for reforms and this would result in the passage of several Government of India acts, which slowly began giving the Indians a role in the governance of their own country. This act established the basic government structure which the British would follow till the end of their rule. India was to be governed by a Secretary of State for India ( a member of the British cabinet) who would be assisted by a Council of fifteen members (who were known as the Council of India). The above mentioned posts were held solely by Englishmen who were based in London. The representative of the British crown in India was the Viceroy, and an Executive council, once again made up solely of Englishmen.
The main features of the Government of India act of 1858 were:
-The country would be administered in a unitary fashion, with total centralization. Although the country was divided into provinces, which had their own governors and executive councils, they had very little autonomy and were merely representatives of the central government and had to follow all directions received from them.
-The military, judiciary, executive and legislature were not independent and were all controlled by the Viceroy who was responsible to the Secretary of State for India.
- The Secretary of State was the supreme authority and had a free hand in the administration of India and was responsible only to the British parliament.[ MALIK AAMIR ] pattan baramulla
There were multiple acts approved by the British parliament in 1935, but the most important is probably the Government of India Act 1935.
RBI, the Reserve Bank of India, was established in 1935 and was privately owned. The government of India took over the bank in the nationalization in 1949.
m k ghandhi
RBI, the Reserve Bank of India, was established in 1935 and was privately owned. The government of India took over the bank in the nationalization in 1949.
The Federal Court of India was established under section 200 of the Government of India Act 1935 in the year 1937.
I'm not sure about this but I think that George V ruled India in 1935
I'm not sure about this but I think George V ruled India in 1935
not at all because indian constitution was influenced by the government of india act 1935.
Govt. of India act, 1935
The British appointed Indians to the council which gave Indians a sense of pride and a voice in politics
The British appointed Indians to the council which gave Indians a sense of pride and a voice in politics
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