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Q: Many of the laws that provide freedom order and safety to citizens around the world go back several thousand years to ancient?
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What does the bill of rights provide to citizens?

It gives American citizens the right of freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion.

What freedom did the ottoman empire provide?

The Ottoman Empire provided a limited freedom of religion in that Jews and Christians could live in the Ottoman Empire as second-class citizens (as opposed to being forcibly converted or exiled).

What right did The Bill of Rights provide?

basic rights such as freedom of speech and religion, right to bear arms, etc.

How Does the constitution provide funds for non citizens?

It doesn't provide funds for non citizens. The constitution is based on citizenship.

Where does the government get its income to provide public services to its citizens?

The government gets its income to provide public services to its citizens from taxes.

How did the structure of the government in ancient Athens provide opportunities for citizens to participate in decision?

Under the radical democracy installed by Pericles, the citizens met fortnightly in the Assembly and made decisions and gave directions on maters put before them by the Council. The Council implemented their decisions.

What do all governments provide their citizens with?

The governments should provide their citizens with all their human and universal rights as described by the constitution. All governments for instance are supposed to guarantee the safety of their citizens.

What did the priesthood do in ancient Egyptian society?

The preisthood in Egypt changed the way people behaved, they also told the citizens about something known as karma, they had an influence on the pharoah and provide him with ways to rule.

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Does the government provide incentives for its citizens to get fit?

Unfortunately no, the government does not provide incentives for its citizens. The governments will leave that task up to each individual to decide on.

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is philippine country provide the arrival visa for indian citizens ?

What are five purpose of government?

The government has various purposes with some of the most important listed below. 1. Provide security for citizens. 2. Provide important services to citizens. 3. Seek investors and foreign markets for its citizens. 4. Enforce Law and Order. 5. Uphold the rights of its citizens.