Conspiracy to harm, tyranny, manifest of injustice, fraud, trespassing on the people's natural and inherent rights outside the federal zone
Man people viewed the Manifest Destiny as an excuse to invade territory, and counteract the US' selfishness. It was also viewed as injustice, inequality, and the 'most scandalous violation of the rights of nations.'
moral injustice social injustice political injustice racial injustice religious injustice cultural injustice
Injustice Injustice 2
Richard A. Doyon has written: 'Factors related to the use of manifest injustice in juvenile court sentencing' -- subject(s): Juvenile courts, Sentences (Criminal procedure)
Social injustice refers to unfair, discriminatory, or oppressive practices within a society that result in unequal treatment or opportunities for certain individuals or groups based on factors such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, or disability. It can manifest in various forms, including systemic racism, sexism, classism, and other forms of discrimination that perpetuate inequality and marginalization.
Injustice is a noun.
Lack of fairness or injustice
men shouldn't be like injustice, because injustice is our enemy.
The injustice of the legal system was highlighted when an innocent person was wrongly convicted of a crime they did not commit.