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11mo ago

Advances in crash barriers help road safety by utilizing the concepts of forces and friction. Crash barriers are designed to absorb and distribute impact forces, reducing the likelihood of a vehicle veering off the road or colliding with other objects. The materials used in crash barriers and their convex shape also provide increased friction, helping to slow down and redirect vehicles in a controlled manner during a collision. Overall, these advances in crash barriers help to minimize the severity of accidents and protect both drivers and pedestrians on the road.

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Q: Lots of work has been done to increase road safety it has included advances in crah barriers use the ideas of forces and friction to explain how the advances help road safety?
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Friction can be reduced by using lubricants like oil or grease on surfaces. To increase friction, surfaces can be roughened or materials with higher coefficients of friction can be used. Adjusting the weight or pressure between the surfaces can also increase friction.

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You can increase friction on a moving object by either increasing the weight pressing the surfaces together, roughening the surfaces in contact, or increasing the coefficient of friction by introducing a material with higher friction properties between the surfaces.

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To reduce friction, you can use lubricants to create a smooth surface between objects in contact. To increase friction, you can increase the force pushing the objects together or use materials with rough surfaces that grip each other more firmly.

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Yes, as you increase the force exerted by pushing the crate, friction between the crate and the surface will also increase. This is because friction is directly proportional to the normal force between the surfaces and the coefficient of friction. More force results in a greater normal force, leading to increased friction.

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Friction can increase as the contact area between two surfaces increases, or if the surfaces are rougher or stickier. Additionally, an increase in force pressing the surfaces together can also increase friction.

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Friction between two surfaces can increase due to an increase in the roughness of the surfaces or an increase in the normal force pressing the surfaces together. Additionally, an increase in the surface area of contact between the surfaces can also lead to an increase in friction.

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Wax, due to it filling the pores that cause friction will reduce friction.

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To increase friction, you can increase the weight pressing the surfaces together, roughen the surfaces in contact, or use a material with higher friction properties.

How can you increase the magnitude of friction between two surfaces How can you decrease the magnitude of friction?

To increase friction, you can increase the roughness of the surfaces in contact, increase the normal force pressing the surfaces together, or use materials with higher coefficients of friction. To decrease friction, you can use lubricants to reduce surface roughness and create a barrier between the surfaces, reduce the normal force acting on the surfaces, or use materials with lower coefficients of friction.