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Q: Locke thinks that the majority has the right to rescind the rights of the minority?
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What is a wise minority?

A wise Minority is someone who thinks before they act.

What does Thoreau think is wrong with majority rule?

He thinks it is not based on justice.

How is Voltaire related to the bill of rights?

he thinks that they had no need for a bill of rights

Do guys care about girls with facial hair?

The majority thinks its unattractive.

Republican view on animal rights?

they can be eaten but they should have some rights republican for whole life thinks this

What should Americans do if government does not protect their basics rights?

If a person thinks that their rights have been violated they can go through the courts to the Supreme Court.

What congressman Charles rangel thinks of civil liberties?

Charles Rangel is passionate about the constitutional protection of civil rights. This was evident when he co-sponsored the H.R. 555 Universal Prekindergarten bill that seeks to increase funding to state governments to run affordable pre-K school. This will increase accessibility of minority groups to early education.

How do you complain about bogus service?

Join first so you have some credibility, use it for a while so you know if it is or not then you can complain but it's market driven like any site so majority WILL prevail no matter what minority thinks, in other words complaining about anything that is not a problem for many won't do any good anyway and if it is a problem for many it's already been done.

What does President Barack Obama think of gay people?

He thinks they deserve the same rights as straight people.

Is sacra real?

yes she is real but here mom rights her songs for her and she thinks that she's the pop star but her mom is.!

What does Lady Gaga think of her herself?

lady gaga thinks she is a fun person and she thinks of herself as unique and she believes every1 should have freedom and have gay rights, something she can relate to, her being a hermathodite and all..

What event influenced in the life of martin Luther king Jr?

that he thinks he would one day rule the civil rights.