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who evers name is on the deed is legally responsible

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Q: Life estate Mothers real property lives there has 2 children deeded half ea. Who has to pay the property taxes while mother is alive and living in the house Could she have reversed the Life Estate?
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Can your deceased mothers life estate property be reversed?

A deceased person could have their life estate property revised. It is best to seek the advice and assistance of a lawyer.

My sister has died a year after inheriting your mothers estate does this form part of her estate or will it go back to your mothers estate?

The property is now part of your sister's estate.

If I signed the hospital admission forms as POA am I responsible for the debt after my mother's death?

No. Your mothers estate would be however There is no estate. She did not own a home or property.

Can life estate be reversed when sold house to daughter the attorney gave mother-in-law a life estate written on the new deed without having the agreement to the life estate signed by mother-in-law?

Your question is extremely hard to follow. Generally a life estate cannot be "reversed". The attorney isn't the one who grants a life estate. The owner of the property grants it in the deed. If the mother-in-law owned the property and conveyed it reserving a life estate for herself it can't be reversed. Generally, the recipient of a life estate doesn't sign the deed "in agreement". For example, Sally can grant her property to Sheila for life and the fee to Tom and Jerry upon Sheila's death. Sheila wouldn't be required to sign that deed. A life estate isn't considered an agreement. You should discuss the life estate with an attorney to determine the rights and obligation of both parties.

Are adult children responsible for bills with an estate?

When you die leaving your estate to your children they are liable to pay the tax or mortgage etc and if the property is then rented to another by your children they are still liable for the taxes on that property and not the tennant as they pay the rent to the children for the privelidge of having full use of the property but the property remains under the ownership of your children and it is the owner that is liable for the payment of taxes mortgage etc

Can you claim your deceased mothers share in deceased dads property?

No, you would take your share of his estate, which already includes hers.

If your mother dies and leaves no estate are her children responsible for paying her creditors?

A decedent's estate is responsible for payment of the debts. If there is any property in the estate, the debts must be paid before any property can be distributed to the heirs. If there is no property the creditors are out of luck.

What rights do you have to your fathers estate in Texas when there is no will and he has remarried?

The community property will be split in half, half for his spouse and the other half for his children. The separate property, if any, will go to the children, with 1/3rd going to the spouse. And the spouse will have a life estate in 1/3rd of all real property with the remainder to the children.

Your husband has been made sole owner of his mothers estate the deed is in his name only so does he still have to go by his mothers will and let his nephew live in your house?

If mother's will gave her real property to her son and gave her nephew the right to live in the property then her nephew has a life estate. Her son must follow the provisions in the will. You should consult with the attorney who handled the estate to determine what your rights and obligations are.

What rights do the mothers adult children have to their mothers estate if she dies before their step father?

It depends on what the will says. If there is no will, it may be divided evenly. Check the state laws in your jurisdiction.

If property is only in your mothers name when she dies in Missouri will the step father or the mothers children get the property?

You need to check with your county's Registrar of Deeds to determine for certain if your mother IS the only person named on the deed. If the step-father is on the deed, the property will pass as the deed was written and filed. If the property is in the mother's name alone and there is a will in effect, the property will be allocated as stated in the will. If no will is in effect, the laws of intestacy will apply and the lawful spouse will be the primary inheritor, with each of the remaining blood relatives getting a percentage of the estate.

When real estate is in the name of the children of a deceased parent how can property be sold?

Only the guardian can sell, or the children when they are 18+.