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Writs of Assistance

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Q: Legal documents that allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods were called what?
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Why did George Grenville allow customs officers to obtain general writs of assistance?

He allowed them to obtain general writs of assistance so that they could be allowed to enter any location to search for smuggled goods. (The 'writs of assistance' was legal documents that allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods.)

Why did the colonies think the writs of assistance violated their rights?

Because it allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods

What was a legal document that allowed officials to search any building or ship for smuggled goods writs of assistance or charter of 1606 or enumerated articles or mayflower compact?

Writs of assistance were legal documents that allowed British officials to search any building for smuggled goods without needing a specific warrant. They were used in the American colonies in the 18th century and were highly controversial as they were seen as violating individual rights to privacy.

What special forms allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods?

Writs of assistance were the special forms which allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods. Classified as general warrants, they did not expire and the holding party of this writ could search anywhere, at anytime.

During a search warrant are females allowed to be left alone with male officers?

Yes, females are allowed to be left alone with male officers. There has to be two officers usually to perform a search warrant so there is some accountability.

Why would a tenant use a Writ of Assistance in a eviction hearing?

special forms that allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods.

Are cops allowed to chase you if your on a motorcycle?

Yes police officers are allowed to chase you if you are on a motorcycle. But are not allowed to come in contact with the motorcycle .

Can officers assault mentally handicapped?

Officers should not be allowed to assault mentally handicapped people. However, there have been instances where they have did this.

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Not required, but allowed to- as they are considered Law Enforcement Officers/Peace Officers

What was peristrokia?

Perestroika was the new policy of Premier Gorbachev whereby new freedoms were allowed in the USSR and restricted documents of the KGB were released. One example of this was releasing the KGB documentation that told the story of the massacre of 15,00 Polish officers by Soviet troops at the beginning of WW2. The world knew about this however the KGB documents confirmed this nightmare. As part of the pact with Hitler, Stalin was allowed to occupy the eastern half of Poland after the beginning of WW2.

Are probation officers legally allowed to tap your home phone?

Not a chance

Who did the republican congressmen not in allowed in congress?

Former confederate officers. UKnow!!