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Yes you can. Your landlord cannot use your last month's rent as security deposit and vice versa.

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Q: Landlord has last months rent plus security. can I live out last months rent?
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If you live in a house and it is sold does the old landlord have to give you back your security deposit?

No. In the estoppel that your old landlord signs to the new landlord the security deposit is turned over to the new landlord, who keeps the deposit where it is now, or tells you where your deposit will be located.

If I paid first and last months rent do I have to pay last months rent again?

No, you are not required to pay last months rent again. Just make sure you are not mistaking it for the security deposit. Rent and security deposits can be the same amount. Check your rental agreement for clarity. Julie

Can a landlord keep first and last months rent even if you did not live on the property in MN?

Ah, the age old issue of "I didn't live there, you shouldn't get to keep rent." The issue with this logic is that it forgets that the landlord cannot re-rent the apartment during your tenancy. So even though you did not live there, you occupied the space contractually, thus preventing the landlord from opening it to others. So, yes. A landlord can keep your first and last months rent even if you did not reside in the property. As an example, imagine a rental car. You go out and purchase a rental car for 7 days, but for 7 days you never drove it. Would it be fair to say "I shouldn't have to pay you because I didn't drive it?"

Can a landlord use your security deposit for their own bills and ask you to pay the security deposit again I live in Oregon?

I don't think so, I don't believe any Landlord has the legal right to demand a Security Deposit be payed twice. I suggest you seek legal counsel.

Can a landlord come to you after 3 years of living there and demand a months rent in advance?

no. not as long as you live in the us.

What rights do you have with the first and last months' rent?

The regulations regarding all monies paid by a tenant in advance to a landlord varies greatly by state and local municipalities. In California, specifically Los Angeles county where I live, a landlord is prohibited from requiring advance payment of rent and must call it 'security deposit'. Here, a rule, effective as of 1990 (but in a moratorium as of this year!), mandates payment of interest on any and all monies held more than 12 months. And, in researching rental rights for landlord and for tenant, I have come across many variants regarding advance and deposit payments that one would need to know your location for a definitive answer!

Can a landlord live in assisted living?

Yes. A landlord can live wherever he or she wants to.

Is the joint owner of the property you live in your landlord as they live elsewhere?

In the situation you describe, is the landlord the sole owner, and you are a renter or lessee? If the landlord is the sole owner of the property, and you are the lessee, they remain the landlord/sole owner despite where they may live. If you are renting the property from the landlord, you are only a lessee and not a joint owner.

If you fall on your property where you live is your landlord responsible?

If you fall on the property where you live, the question of whether or not you have a case against your landlord depends on a number of factors. If you think it is due to negligence on the part of your landlord, see a lawyer.

How much can a tenant sue a landlord for unfit habitation?

You cannot really sue your landlord for unfit habitation. If your rental unit is deemed unfit for habitation you may simply move out. If you are in the middle of the lease, and the dwelling is unfit for habitation, you have the right to move out under what is known as constructive eviction, meaning that you are abandoning the premises because you cannot live there. Your landlord may try to keep the security deposit if he is holding one for you. You must then sue the landlord to reclaim it.

Is a bird nest in a chimney the responsibiity of the landlord?

Yes, well most of the time. Depends where you live and who your landlord is.

How long can a tenant live in property without making payments?

Until your landlord kicks you out. Don't forget your landlord probably has your last month's rent so you're probably not getting away with anything beyond 1 month.