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Whose last words were 'It is done'?

Jose Rizal

Will medicaid pay to have a test done to see who the father of the baby that you are carring is?

That's handled by child support enforcement.

Does my child have to see his father even if the father pays child support?

Child support and visitation are two separate issues. The child is a minor and is not allowed to decide. Any changes to the court order has to be done at the court that issued it.

What is rizals last word before dying?

the phrase "it is done" that was the last words of Jose Rizal

Can a unwed woman get child support if she decides to leave the father who is more stable and has done nothing wrong?

Yes, because the father has no legal rights to the child. see links

Does a mother have any control of the father terminating his rights?

No but it is not easy to have it done, the judge wants good reasons for it. And he will still have to pay child support.

How long does a biological father have of not paying child support or having an contact with the child before he can lose his rights in Massachusetts?

Since losing them can include not paying support, it can only be done if an adoption is the intent.

What has Jose Reyes done for society?

endless Charity work

What are your rights to child support if the father of your baby is married?

Unfortunately, you'll have to take this dead-beat to court. It won't be easy and a genetic testing will be done to prove he is the father (I am sure he will request this.) If the test are conclusive you are darned rights he has to pay child support. Good luck Marcy

What rights does a father have if he is not on the child's bith certificate has never helped finacially and doesn't pay child support?

Paternity must be established before any discussion of rights. Once that is done, the father has the right to pay child support and the right to petition for visitation - these are separate processes.

Is it illegal for your father to erase all child support he has owd his daughter?

The child support is owed to your mother to be used for your expenses, not to you, and to stop paying what he owes he has to go to court. If it's not done in court it is not legal.

Is it illegal for your father to erase all child support he has owed his daughter?

The child support is owed to your mother to be used for your expenses, not to you, and to stop paying what he owes he has to go to court. If it's not done in court it is not legal.