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Q: Jail time for intoxication while having a firearm?
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Is it a federal offense to discharge a firearm of any kind across a public state road?

Yes it is. And without a licence, you could be charged and possibly have some jail time for having a firearm.

Is it wrong for me to piss my pants to avoid going to jail for public intoxication?

Only you can answer that, but it could also be used as evidence of your intoxication.

Is having a joint and a gun a felony?

yes posses a firearm during the comision of a crime counts as a gun crime. drugs are still illegal and having both results in jail.

Does Texas have an intoxication defense law?

Voluntary intoxication does not negate intent in a criminal matter in Texas.

What is illegal possession of firearm?

It's very broad, the way you asked it. It can be having a firearm in some location where firearms are not allowed (inside a jail, for instance) or it can be having a firearm that is illegal to own, or it can be having possession of a firearm when you aren't authorized to (carrying without a permit, for instance).

Your boyfriend is in jail for a while what do you do he is having another girl see him too. HELP?

when he is out of jail ask why.then go on from there.

What happens if you get caught with marijuana and a firearm?

....obviously jail

Is ninja man in jail?

He is currently in jail for conspiracy to commit murder and illegal posession of a firearm.

Why did meek mill go 2 jail?

possession of a firearm.

Will you go to jail for charges for restricted firearm?

For firearms charges, you can typically expect to serve jail time.

Have probation in Tennessee arrested in Georgia for public intoxication what happens?

you get sent to jail for 30 days.

What happens to the people who run naked across sports fields?

He or she is taken to jail for public intoxication