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Q: Israel citizens vote for who?
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Israel represents its citizens with a democratic government Which of these government positions do Israeli citizens vote for?

Members of the knesset.

Who gets to vote in Israel's democracy?

All citizens 18 years old and older.

Are citizens allowed to vote in Israel?

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The government is elected by vote of all citizens.'All citizens' means every religion, every ethnic origin, and every gender. Jews, Muslims, Christians,Arabs, ex-Europeans, ex-Yemenites, ex-Ethiopians, Americans, men, and women. All citizens.

What is the role of the citizens in Israel?

The role of the citizens in Israel is to vote for the Members of the Knesset, Israel's Parliament. Additionally, most Israeli citizens must serve in the Israeli Army and/or do community service. Israeli citizens perform many of the functions of citizens in other liberal democracies like protesting and assembling peacefully, engaging in their religious traditions or Atheism, contributing the national debate on major issues, and speaking their minds.

After 1948 how many Arabs still lived in Israeli?

At the present time (mid-2010), about 20% of the population of Israel is comprised of ethnic Arabs. They are citizens of Israel, with the rights and responsibilities of all other citizens, except that they are not responsible for military service. Along with other citizens, Arab citizens of Israel have the right to vote in the elections if they so choose; Arabs have been elected and occupy seats in the Knesset ... Israel's parliament.

Do you have to be 18 to vote in Israel?

You have to be 17 to vote in Israel.

Is Israel a democratic country?

Yes - citizens can vote regardless of their race religion or sex. Read more in related links below.

What is the population of Arab citizens of Israel?

Arab citizens of Israel's population is 278,000.

Who is allowed to vote in Israeli elections?

only the Citizens, at least 18 years old may vote. (That includes Jewish men and women who are citizens, Muslim men and women who are citizens, Christian men and women who are citizens, Druze men and women who are citizens, Arab/Palestinian men and women who are citizens. But the law is very restrictive ... they have to be 18 years old.)

Are Arabs allowed to be citizens in Israel?

20% of Israel citizens are Arabs . ============================= Another contributor added: As citizens, the rights and responsibilities of Israel's Arab citizens are the same as all other Israeli citizens, with one exception: Arab citizens of Israel are not required to do military service. Arab citizens of Israel have full voting rights, and have elected several Arabs to seats in the Knesset (Israel's parliament).

When rome was a republic who was allowed to vote?

Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.

How old do citizens have to be to vote?

Citizens now days have to be 18 or older to vote. - jenessa olson