

Best Answer

It may not be since he may be using a fake identification to conceal a prior marriage. It is not a good sign. You need expert legal advice from an attorney.

It may not be since he may be using a fake identification to conceal a prior marriage. It is not a good sign. You need expert legal advice from an attorney.

It may not be since he may be using a fake identification to conceal a prior marriage. It is not a good sign. You need expert legal advice from an attorney.

It may not be since he may be using a fake identification to conceal a prior marriage. It is not a good sign. You need expert legal advice from an attorney.

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10y ago

It may not be since he may be using a fake identification to conceal a prior marriage. It is not a good sign. You need expert legal advice from an attorney.

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Q: Is your marriage legal if your husband used a fake social security?
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In New Jersey is your marriage to an illegal immigrant valid if he does not have a Social Security number?

If a license was obtained and a marriage performed according to the laws of the state then it is legal.

Can you use a same-sex marriage certificate to change your name on your Social Security card?

Yes. The Social Security Administration will accept your same-sex marriage certificate as legal proof of name change, as long as that document is legal in the state where it was issued. (See link to explicit SSA policy.)

Which name is a persons legal name birth certificate or social security my husband has only first and last name on birth certificate but his moms maiden name is on social security card as his middle?

The one on the birth certificate is the legal name.

Is your officially legal name on your social security card or your drivers license because my social security card has my first married name I never changed it when I married again.?

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Is a marriage valid in the US if your husband is a foreigner and we married in Morocco?

If the marriage was legal in Morocco, the United States views it as a legal marriage. You need to be able to provide documentation of the marriage.

What is marriage according to legal aspect?

marriage bind husband and wives till death do they apart

What legal rights does an ex-wife have concerning ex-husband's last name and Social Security number?

The ex-husband does not have any control over whether or not the ex-wife changes her name upon divorce. I don't really understand the social security number question, but if you're asking if she can use his social security number, no she cannot. Even during marriage, she could not do that without his permission, however.Answer and ClarificationShe can continue to use her "married" name is she wants to. That's up to her. She may want to keep a record of his SS number because if they were married long enough she will be able to collect under his SS benefit at the time of her retirement. She can read more about collecting an ex-husband's Social Security Benefit at the related link.

Is a marriage legal if a marriage certificate is not issued?

That would depend upon the laws of the state in which the union occurred. However, state laws require that the person who can perform legal marriages must issue a certificate of marriage to the couple after the ceremony has been performed. A copy of the certificate is then made a part of public record. Certain government agencies such as the Social Security Administration require a certificate of marriage before they will change the woman's name on SS records (assuming she wants to take her husband's surname). A marriage license is not acceptable proof that the marriage has taken place.

What is the word orgin for marriage?

The word "marriage" comes from the Latin word "maritare" meaning to provide with a husband or wife, derived from "maritus" (husband) and "marita" (wife). It has roots in the concept of uniting two individuals in a legal and/or social bond.

What is a Vivaha?

A legal and acceptable contract to become a husband and wife, marriage.

Do you believe trophy spouses in Britih columbia should receive support if they divorce?

Of course. "Trophy wife" is not a legal term and the husband of a "trophy wife" certainly received many benefits of marriage (and then some) pursuant to his marriage to her.Of course. "Trophy wife" is not a legal term and the husband of a "trophy wife" certainly received many benefits of marriage (and then some) pursuant to his marriage to her.Of course. "Trophy wife" is not a legal term and the husband of a "trophy wife" certainly received many benefits of marriage (and then some) pursuant to his marriage to her.Of course. "Trophy wife" is not a legal term and the husband of a "trophy wife" certainly received many benefits of marriage (and then some) pursuant to his marriage to her.

What if you were married and your husband died and your ex husband died can you draw from both?

The ability to draw from multiple sources after the passing of a spouse would depend on the specific circumstances and applicable laws. Generally, it is not possible to draw benefits from both a current husband and an ex-husband simultaneously. Usually, you would be eligible for survivor benefits based on the marriage that lasted the longest or the marriage that occurred most recently. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional or the Social Security Administration for accurate and personalized information.