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Not necessarily. "Without Prejudice" means that it is possible to re-introduce the same charge in a slightly altered form. "WITH prejudice" would mean that it was done away with entirely and could not be brought up again.

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Q: Is without prejudice a considered pending charge?
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Is it considered double jeopardy in retrying a case that was already dismissed by the courts?

Not necessarily - there are two types of Dismissal. Dismissal WITH prejudice... and... Dismissal WITHOUT prejudice. With prejudice mean that the judge has thrown that particular charge out and it cannot be brought against you again. Without preudice means that he is temporarily dismissing but it does NOT bar the same case from being re-insiituted.

Can a person who had a petit larceny charge that was dismissed be a bail bondsman in Oklahoma?

Dismissed WITH or WITHOUT prejudice? On a misdemeanor - IF it was dismissed WITH prejudice - you probably can.

What is dismissed without prejudice and without further cause?

'Dismissal WITHOUT prejudice' means that the identical charge can be brought against you again. 'Without further cause' means that no other reason and no further explanation is offered.

Are your charges still considered pending while you are on unsupervised probation?

No, but if the unsupervised probation is violated for a new charge then it can be revoked.

What happens if yo go to court and your case is dissmissed can the creditor take you back to court?

There are TWO types of dismissal. DismissalWITH prejudiceand dismissal WITHOUT prejudice. "With" prejudice means that the same charge cannot be brought again. "Without" prejudice means that the immediate charge is dismissed, but that it CAN be brought up again. Which type of dismissal did you receive?

Do you have to put down a pending charge on application if it asks if you have been convicted?

No, a pending charge is not a conviction. However, you will want to mention the charge to the potential employer in some context. They will find out about it, and it is best that you be up front about it.

Can yoube denied an apartment with a pending charge?


What is a dismissed conviction?

It means just what the wod implies, they were dismissed. However- there are two types of dismissal; dismissal WITH prejudice, and dismissal WITHOUT prejudice. "With" means that the charge "goes away" and that particular charge cannot be re-instituted. "Without" means that although the charge was dismissed you CAN be re-charged once again. You definitely need to find out which one applies to you. A "dismissed" conviction does not mean that you're found "not guilty," or were "pardoned." The record will appear on your criminal history record.

Fiance was indited on 7 felony counts 6 were dismissed and he was found guilty of 1 charge can the other charges be brought up against him again?

Were the 6 charges dismissed WITH PREJUDICE, or dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE? If they were dismiessed WITH prejudice they can NOT be used against the defendant again. If they were dismissed WITHOUT prejudice, that means they COULD be brought up again (albeit in slightly different form) and used against him again.

Can you own a gun with a dismissed without prejudice?

WHAT kind of offense or charge was originally made?If it was a felony offense and it was dismissed without prejudice it means that it COULD be re-filed and brought again. With that kind of inconclusive circumstance hanging over you, I doubt the state would issue you a license

How long is the notice period for FWOP?

WHAT notice are you referring to, and HOW was the charge dismissed? Insufficient information is given.If a charge has been dismissed by the court FWOP (For Want of Prosectuion), then it is dismissed upon the judge's ruling.However, the judge MAY have dismissed the charge either WITH prejudice or WITHOUT prejudice.With prejudice means that particular charge is gone forever.Without prjudice means the prosecution or plaintiff may approach the court at a later time and re-institute the charge or suit.

Will a pending MIP charge show up on a background check?

A pending charge will not show up on a background check until you are convicted. A background check will bring up all current convictions.