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Sex is a psychological as well as a physical experience. When you have sex with someone, you are responsible for them. You need to know how to have safe sex, and you have to be willing to talk to a medical professional if you have to. (There are free clinics in most major cities where you can get information and help.)

You have to remember that "No" means "No," no matter which of you says it or when.

And it's supposed to be fun for both of you.

Please play safely, and take care of each other.

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Q: Is two 14 year old boys having protected sex okay?
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You can date her, but you can't have sex with her.

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If this girl and man were deeply in love I would say maybe but for now I would ecourage her to stay with boys around her age. If she was 21 and the guy was 25 then THAT would be okay. If I was her I would stick to the boys my age. I would deal with the older boys later. Trust me older boys are a pain in the butt. I hope this helped you!

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The average human temperature is 98.6 f. He/she is not having a fever though. I think he/she is okay.

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Yes, it can happen if your okay with having a boyfriend/husband be older than you.