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Q: Is touching the breasts sexual contact?
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Related questions

What does sexual touching mean?

It means touching the breasts or penis or vagina.

How do you have sexual contact?

Sexual contact is the touching or coming into contact with the penis, vagina or anus. This can be through touching yourself or someone else, or them touching you is considered sexual contact. While it technically refers to more than "touch" - e.g. it refers to contact as say a penis in contact with a vagina or anus, not so much as a finger touching a penis, etc.

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How pathogens enter the body by direct contact?

Direct contact includes touching, biting, kissing, and sexual contact.

What is touching the top?

touching the breasts of a woman

Can you name at least five methods to get a woman riled up for sexual intercourse?

Touching her breasts. Sucking her nipples. Licking her clitoris. Licking her vaginal area. Touching her clitoris with you fingers or tongue.

How do you make touching a girls breasts look like an accident?

You don't. Do not be touching anyone's breast that does not want you to. And the fact that you are asking indicates that you are not old enough to be touching breasts.

Why do men always touch girls breasts?

Touching a woman's breasts without consent is not acceptable behavior. It is important to respect boundaries and always ask for permission before engaging in any form of physical contact.

Can woman's breasts get bigger after touching or sucking?


Can touching of your wife breast after childbirth leads to no pregnancy?

Touching or not touching her breasts will not affect her ability to get pregnant at all.